How to Get Karma on Reddit

The more karma you have the more people trust and listen to you, but how to get karma on Reddit?

Reddit is like a big virtual town square.

Conversations are happening everywhere, from cooking to science debates and if you’re there long enough you’ll see everything. Karma on Reddit is like your reputation in that town square.

Karma isn’t just about posting and hoping people upvote you.

It’s about engaging in the right way, at the right time, in the right places. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to build your karma.

How to Get Karma on Reddit: Step by Step

reddit karma

Reddit karma is made up of two parts: post karma and comment karma.

Every time you post or comment and someone upvotes it, you get karma points. If someone downvotes your comment, you lose points.

The points don’t get you anything tangible but having more karma generally means you’re a valuable and active Redditor.

Karma can be tricky but there are a few proven ways to earn it consistently. Let’s start with the most effective ways.

Buy Upvotes from SidesMedia

The first and fastest way to earn karma on Reddit is to buy upvotes from SidesMedia

If you want a quick and easy boost to your Reddit presence then this is the logical choice.

When your posts get more upvotes they naturally rise to the top and get visibility and engagement from other Reddit users. This will help to earn karma fast and to receive an upvote.

Once you’ve boosted your posts you can focus on the traditional methods like posting in active subreddits, commenting thoughtfully, and sharing original content. 

Combine these and you’ll get karma on Reddit consistently over time.

Post in the Right Subreddits

Not all subreddits are created equal. Some are good for karma and others are so niche you’ll get no engagement at all.

Big subreddits like r/funny or r/AskReddit have massive audiences and more people means more upvotes.

But here’s the catch: big subreddits have more competition.

Smaller subreddits with a few thousand users might be more lenient and your posts can stand out more. Try joining a mix of both big and small communities.

Subreddits to Start With

  • r/funny – Humor is always a winner and if your meme or joke goes viral the upvotes will follow.
  • r/aww – If you have a cute pet or cute picture post it here. People love wholesome content.
  • r/AskReddit – You can ask anything here and thought-provoking or funny questions tend to get a lot of upvotes.

Posting and promoting your subreddit related to something you know about is also a good idea. You’re more likely to have valuable input if you’re interested in the topic.

Comment on Rising and New Posts

You don’t have to post to get karma. Commenting on posts, especially rising ones, is one of the easiest ways to receive karma. 

Posts in the rising section are gaining momentum and if you comment early, your comment will get noticed more than on hot content where thousands of comments already exist.

If you see new content in your favorite sub, comment right away. The sooner you get in, the more people will see your comment and the more upvotes you’ll receive.

Tip: Be Clever or Informative

People love witty, thoughtful, or funny comments. 

On posts where people ask for advice or opinions, try to give the best answer. On more casual posts, a clever joke can get you hundreds of upvotes.

Post Original Content

Reddit loves original content (often called OC). If you have something new, like a story, artwork, or even a meme, share it. 

Fellow Redditors don’t like seeing the same things over and over again, so don’t repost something already popular. 

What’s Original Content?

  • Personal stories: People love hearing unique life experiences, whether funny, touching, or just plain interesting.
  • Creative work: Art, photography, or even memes you made yourself can get a lot of attention.
  • New ideas: If you have a clever spin on a popular topic, post it! People love new takes.

Engage in Real Discussions

karma on reddit

The more you interact with people in a real way, the more upvotes (and karma) you’ll receive.  

Just make sure your comments add value. Don’t just say “Nice” or “I agree”. Give people something to think about.

Some posts might seem like they don’t need a long response but it’s still a good idea to add something to the conversation. 

Instead of commenting with just a smiley face or a one-word answer, explain why you feel that way or share a related experience.

Avoid Downvotes

On Reddit, you can lose karma as easily as you can receive it. If people downvote your post or comment, you’ll see your karma score go down. 

Avoid spamming, making offensive comments, or breaking subreddit rules which will almost always get you downvoted.

Tip: Read the Rules

Every subreddit has its own rules. Before you post, always check the sidebar or the pinned rules to make sure your content fits and to not get downvoted.

If you don’t, you’ll get downvoted and your content might get removed by the mods.

Be Consistent

Reddit karma doesn’t come in one big dump. You have to be consistent on Reddit communities. 

If you post regularly, comment often, and engage in meaningful conversations, you’ll build karma over time.

It is a slow process but the more active you are the better your chances of upvoting is.

Active Users Stats

Users with more than 10 karma are 40% more active on Reddit communities than those with lower karma. 

According to a Reddit study, people who post at least twice a week in their favorite subreddits see a 15% increase in their karma over a few months.

Choose Good Timing

Like most social platforms, timing plays a big role in how much visibility your posts and comments get. 

When you post at the right time can increase your chances of getting more upvotes and in turn more karma. 

But unlike platforms like Instagram or Twitter, the Reddit community doesn’t have a universal “best time to post” since every subreddit has its peak hours.

Tip: When To Post?

You can use tools like Later for the Reddit community to check the top posts in your favorite subreddits and figure out the best times to post. 

Generally posting in the morning or early afternoon on weekdays seems to give you the most visibility.


The process of learning how to get karma on Reddit is not easy but in the end, it is worth it. 

It’s about being smart – posting in the right places, commenting early, and original content that Redditors like. It’s also about engaging with people and commenting.

In the end, karma is just one part of the Reddit communities experience. It’s a way to show you’re active and people like what you’re contributing.

But don’t get too caught up in the numbers. The Reddit community is about building relationships and sharing info. If you focus on that the karma will follow.

Don’t stress about getting thousands of upvotes right away. Just keep commenting in communities you like and the Reddit karma will follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

get karma on reddit

How can I get Reddit karma fast?

The fastest way to earn karma is by posting valuable and engaging content in active subreddits. 

Post in subreddits where your post will get seen, like r/funny or r/AskReddit. Comments on “rising” posts can also get you quick karma and upvote. 

Commenting early in a discussion increases the chances of your comment being seen and upvoted. 

Also, consider using SidesMedia to buy upvotes for an instant boost in visibility and Reddit karma.

How to get free karma on Reddit?

Free Reddit karma comes from consistent and thoughtful interaction. Here:

  • Post original content that fellow Redditors like or find funny.
  • Comment on rising posts where your comment will be seen by many users.
  • Participate in popular subreddits that are your thing, where you can offer real advice, upvote, or funny comments.
  • Don’t post spam or low-effort comments, those get downvoted.

Karma is all about patience and community.

How to get 50 karma fast?

To get 50 karma quick:

  1. Target popular subreddits like r/aww or r/pics with high activity.
  2. Comment on new or rising posts in active subreddits.
  3. Share high-quality, original content like a funny meme, a good story, or a useful tip.
  4. Reply to top comments to get visibility in the comments of a viral post.

If you’re in a hurry you can buy upvotes from services like SidesMedia to get karma faster.

How do you get karma on Reddit when you first start?

When you’re new to Reddit, karma can seem slow. Start by:

  • Joining smaller subreddits where the community is more active and your posts won’t get buried.
  • Commenting on posts and adding to the conversation.
  • Avoiding controversial topics that will get you downvoted, as losing Reddit karma early can set you back. As your account ages and you participate more your karma will grow naturally.

Starting slow and engaging with the right communities helps you build a solid foundation for more karma over time.


Dimitar Miller is a seasoned freelance writer and SEO specialist at SidesMedia with over 7 years of experience crafting high-quality content in technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. Dimitar’s work has been featured in notable publications, and he has collaborated with leading tech startups to develop successful content strategies and manage SEO campaigns. Dimitar ensures all his articles are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and regularly updated to provide readers with reliable and insightful information.

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