What Does Touch Grass Mean?

We can hear this phrase very often but, what does Touch Grass mean?

It’s usually said to people who are too deep in online arguments or just stuck in the virtual world for too long.

The idea is simple: disconnect from the screen, get outside, reconnect with nature, and touch grass. 

This phrase has become a funny way to remind people that life exists beyond the internet. 

Simply put, “touch grass” is a slang term to tell someone to get off the internet and spend some time in the real world. 

Let’s break it down. 

Every Aspect of What Does Touch Grass Mean?

Touch Grass meaning

Where did “touch grass” come from? What does touch grass mean exactly?

People used it to call out others who had lost their grip on reality – arguing online or gaming too much.

At first, it was just a way to tell someone to calm down. Now it’s a meme. 

You might even see it with funny images or GIFs of people who need to get outside.

People say “touch grass” for different reasons but here are a few:

Too Much Time Online

When a person is spending too much time gaming, social media, or online arguments, people might say they need to “touch grass” to tell them to get off the screen.

It’s not just your eyes that are affected – too much time indoors and too much time spend on screen affects your whole body and mind, and in that case, you need to touch grass.

1. Eye Strain

Hours of screen time can cause eye strain. You’ll notice your eyes feeling dry, tired, or even blurry. This is called computer vision syndrome.

2. Headaches

When you’re staring at screens all day the blue light can cause headaches. And the constant focus on a bright screen can be hard on your brain.

3. Posture Problems

Sitting at a desk for hours can cause posture issues. You’ll start to slouch which can lead to back and neck pain.

4. Mental Health Decline

As mentioned earlier too much time online can lead to anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. 

Social media, in particular, can make people feel like they’re missing out or not good enough compared to others.

Toxic Behavior

Sometimes when someone is being rude or negative online, the phrase is used to suggest they need a break. 

It’s a nice way of saying “You’re being an idiot. Go do something else.”

The balance between real life and the internet 

It’s also a reminder that there’s life beyond the internet. 

Spending all your time indoors on the internet can make you feel disconnected from reality, so better go and touch grass.

How to Actually Touch Grass?

Touching grass isn’t just about going outside and feeling the ground. 

It’s about finding a balance in your life between the digital and the real world. 

Let’s engage with it:

1. Take a Small Break

Fresh air is good for your body and mind. 

Studies show that 20 minutes outside can improve your mood, boost your creativity, and make you feel more energetic. 

Breathing fresh air and more self-care can also lower cortisol levels and help you relax.

2. Go for a Walk and Fresh Air

If you’ve been staring at your phone for hours your brain can get a bit fuzzy. Going outside can help clear your head. 

Research shows that just looking at nature can restore your focus and recharge your brain.

3. Practice Physical Activity

When you’re outside you’re probably moving – whether it’s walking, running, or even sitting in a park. 

Physical activity has loads of benefits from improving your heart health to boosting your mood and self-care. 

Getting up and moving is a great way to shake off that feeling of lethargy you get from sitting for hours.

Why A Digital Detox Is Needed?

Touch Grass mean

We spend a lot of time online these days and it can take a toll on our mental health.

Here are some reasons why a digital detox might be a good idea:

  • Mental Overload: Being online means you’re getting bombarded with information – news, messages, memes and more. Your brain can only handle so much before it feels overwhelmed.
  • Sleep Issues: If you’re on your phone late at night the blue light can mess with your sleep patterns. Taking breaks from screens can improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Anxiety and Depression: Constantly comparing yourself to others on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Research shows that taking a break from social media can reduce anxiety and increase happiness.

How to Actually Touch Grass?

So how do you go from sitting in front of a screen to touching grass? Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Take Short Breaks

If you’re working or studying on your computer try stepping outside for 5-10 minutes every hour. Even a short break can make a big difference.

2. Go for a Walk

You don’t need to go on a long hike to touch grass. A short walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park will do.

3. Take a Day Off

Pick one day a week to unplug. Turn off your devices, go outside, and do something physical – biking, gardening, or even just sitting under a tree, and you’ve touched grass.

A Quick Comparison: Time Online vs. Time Outside

Let’s look at how time online compares to time spent outdoors: 

It’s obvious that the internet has its perks but balancing it with time outdoors is key to a healthy life.

Time OnlineTime Outside
Mental HealthThis can lead to stress, anxiety, or depressionBoosts mood, reduces stress
Physical ActivityMostly sitting, little movementEncourages walking, running, or playing
FocusInformation overload can lead to brain fogNature helps restore focus and clarity
Social InteractionCan feel isolatingHelps connect with others face-to-face


Touching grass is about balance, and knowing what does Touch Grass mean, helps us to realize when we are in a bubble.

We live in a real world where being online is almost necessary but too much of anything can be bad. 

Time outside helps clear your mind, improve your health, and reconnect with the real world around you.

Next time you feel like you’re in a digital bubble try touching some grass. 

You might just feel better.

And hey it’s not just good advice – it’s a good meme too!

Frequently Asked Questions

Touch Grass

What does the phrase Touch Grass mean?

The phrase “Touch Grass” is a slang term that means to get away from the digital world and spend time in the real world. 

It’s often used to tell a person who’s too into online activities – gaming, social media, online arguments – that they need a break, they need to touch grass. 

It’s a fun way to say, “Get out and get back to reality.”

What does Touching Grass mean on Urban Dictionary?

According to Urban Dictionary, the phrase “touching grass”, means to get off the internet, games, or other digital distractions and go outside. 

It’s used sarcastically to tell someone they’ve been online activities too long and need to  “touched grass” to get back to reality for a change.

What does “Touch Grass” mean in Gen Z?

For Gen Z, the phrase “touch grass” has become a meme. It’s used to roast people who are too invested in online drama, gaming, or digital content. 

When someone says the words “go touch grass” they’re jokingly telling the person to get back to reality by stepping away from the internet.

What does Grass mean in slang?

In general slang “grass” means a few things depending on the situation. 

Most commonly it means marijuana. But in the context of the word phrase “touch grass,” touch grass means nature or the outside. 

It’s part of a bigger message to get off screens and get back to reality.

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