Statistics About Instagram: A Data-Driven Deep Dive

Instagram remains one of the most influential platforms. 

With over 2 billion monthly active users (MAUs) worldwide, it continues to be a dominant force for marketers, businesses, and individual users alike. 

We will explore the most up-to-date statistics about Instagram, diving deep into user demographics, engagement trends, and real-world applications that showcase the platform’s immense power.

Instagram User Demographics and Growth

Instagram’s vast and diverse user base makes it an essential platform for reaching various audiences. 

Understanding the key demographics and growth trends is crucial for anyone looking to tap into its potential.

Who Is Using Instagram?

Instagram has grown significantly since its launch in 2010, with over 2 billion monthly active Instagram users worldwide as of 2024. 

This makes it the fourth most-used social media platform globally, following Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. 

With a large user base, Instagram provides unparalleled reach for brands, influencers, and content creators.

Age and Gender Breakdown

One of the most notable aspects of Instagram’s user base is its relatively young demographic. As of 2024:

  • 31% of Instagram users are aged between 18-24, while 30% are between 25-34 (Sproutsocial).
  • The platform is slightly more popular among females, with 51% of Instagram users identifying as female and 49% identifying as male (Hootsuite).

These demographics highlight Instagram’s appeal to younger audiences, making it a prime platform for brands targeting millennials and Gen Z.

Regional Popularity

Instagram’s presence is significant worldwide, but some countries dominate in user numbers:

  • India has the largest Instagram users, with 358.55 million active Instagram users in 2024 ​(Backlinko).
  • The United States follows with 158.45 million; Brazil comes in third with 122.9 million users ​(Backlinko).

Growth Trends

Instagram’s growth has been steady and robust, with a significant increase in its user base over the last few years. In 2024:

  • 35.71% of the world’s mobile users log into Instagram monthly ​(Backlinko).
  • Instagram’s monthly active Instagram users (MAUs) have doubled from 1 billion in 2018 to 2 billion in 2024 ​(Backlinko).

These Instagram statistics highlight Instagram’s global influence and continued growth, making it a critical platform for digital marketing.

Engagement Statistics on Instagram

Instagram’s engagement rates are key indicators of how Instagram users interact with content on the platform. These metrics vary by content type, follower count, and other factors.

Engagement Rates by Follower Count

Instagram’s engagement rates are heavily influenced by the number of followers an account has:

  • Accounts with fewer than 5,000 followers have the highest engagement rates, averaging 8.01%​ (Meltwater).
  • Larger accounts with over 100,000 followers tend to see lower engagement rates, around 0.57% ​(Meltwater).

This data suggests that smaller, more niche accounts often have more engaged audiences than larger, more corporate accounts.

Real-Life Example

In 2023, a small fitness influencer with 4,200 followers implemented a content strategy focused on interactive Stories and Reels. 

Their engagement rate increased from 5.8% to 8.2%, primarily due to the inclusion of user-generated polls and quizzes​ (Social Media Dashboard).

The Role of Hashtags in Engagement

Hashtags remain a powerful tool for increasing engagement on Instagram:

  • Posts with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement than those without hashtags ​(Keyhole).

For brands and influencers, using relevant and trending hashtags can significantly boost the reach of their posts, bringing them in front of a wider audience.

Instagram Stories: An Engagement Powerhouse

Stories are one of the platform’s most popular features. They offer a short, engaging format ideal for brands and users to share content quickly.

Key Instagram Statistics for Instagram Stories

Stories continue to be a key feature for user engagement:

  • Over 500 million users engage with Stories daily ​(Keyhole).
  • 36% of businesses use Stories to promote their products and services​ (Meltwater).

For businesses and influencers, Stories offer a unique way to connect with audiences through less polished, more immediate content.

Best Practices for Story Engagement

To maximize engagement on Stories, users should focus on keeping their stories concise and engaging:

  • Two daily stories are the recommended posting frequency to maintain a good completion rate ​(Meltwater).
  • Retention rates drop significantly after the seventh frame of a Story, making it essential to keep stories brief and engaging​ (Keyhole).

Real-Life Example

A small travel company used Instagram Stories during a summer campaign in 2023 to showcase destinations and travel tips. 

By posting two stories per day, they saw a 25% increase in website traffic and 15% more bookings ​(Keyhole).

Comparison Table: Instagram Stories vs. Reels

FeatureDaily Active UsersEngagement RateBest Content TypeReach Potential
Stories500 millionHigher completion rates for <7 framesBehind-the-scenes, Quizzes35% for smaller brands (Keyhole)
ReelsN/A1.23% per postTrend-based, Short videos2x more impressions (Sprout Social)

Instagram Reels: Short-Form Video for Maximum Reach

Instagram Reels, short-form videos, have become one of the platform’s most engaging features. Reels allow users to create quick, visually stimulating content and often viral content.

Reels Statistics and Trends

Instagram Reels usage has skyrocketed in recent years:

  • 57.4% increase in Instagram Reels usage was recorded over the last year ​(Meltwater).
  • Profiles with fewer than 5,000 followers see the highest engagement rates on Reels ​(Social Media Dashboard).

Reels often outperform other post formats regarding impressions, making them a valuable tool for expanding reach and increasing engagement.

Real-Life Example

A beauty brand specializing in skincare products utilized Instagram Reels to demonstrate product application tips. 

By focusing on this visual content format, they saw 2x the number of impressions compared to their static posts, translating into a significant increase in product sales​ (Keyhole).

Instagram for Business: Leveraging the Platform for Growth

The Instagram app is an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to connect with customers, promote products, and drive sales. 

With over 25 million business profiles, the social media platform has become a critical component of modern marketing strategies ​(Keyhole).

Key Instagram Statistics for Businesses on Instagram

  • 90% of Instagram users worldwide follow at least one business account​ (Social Media Dashboard).
  • 70% of shoppers use Instagram to find their next purchase​ (Keyhole).

Instagram’s shopping features, including product tags and the Instagram Shop, make it easier than ever for businesses to turn engagement into direct sales.

Real-Life Example

In 2023, a fashion retailer launched a campaign focused on Instagram Shopping during the holiday season. 

By tagging products in Instagram posts and stories, they drove 40% of their holiday sales directly through Instagram ​(Meltwater).

ROI on Instagram Marketing

Return on investment (ROI) is a crucial metric for businesses on Instagram:

  • 68% of marketers are confident that Instagram delivers positive ROI, which ranks second only to LinkedIn ​(Social Media Dashboard).

Instagram offers businesses a combination of visibility, engagement, and conversion potential, making it an indispensable platform for modern marketers.

Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Instagram has long been the go-to platform for influencer marketing. 

Its visual nature makes it perfect for influencers to showcase products and build authentic relationships with followers.

Key Influencer Instagram Statistics

  • 79% of brands use Instagram for influencer marketing ​(Social Media Dashboard).
  • 72% of marketers are currently collaborating with Instagram influencers ​(Keyhole).

The platform hosts over half a million active influencers, and micro-influencers have gained particular traction due to their highly engaged audiences ​(Meltwater).

Real-Life Example

In 2023, a sustainable fashion brand partnered with 15 micro-influencers, each with fewer than 50,000 followers. 

This collaboration resulted in a 300% increase in brand mentions and a 25% rise in sales during the campaign​ (Meltwater).


Instagram remains a powerful platform for both personal and business use in 2024. 

With its expansive user base, diverse features, and high engagement potential, it is an essential tool for marketers, influencers, and brands. 

From leveraging Reels to boosting product discovery through Stories and shopping features, Instagram offers countless growth opportunities. 

Understanding the platform’s statistics allows monthly active users to optimize their strategies and maximize their impact on this ever-evolving social network.

Whether you’re a small business, an influencer, or a large corporation, Instagram provides the tools and audience necessary to succeed in the digital space. 

Make data-driven decisions based on the statistics about Instagram and trends discussed here, and watch your engagement, reach, and conversions soar.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the statistics of Instagram?

Instagram has become one of the largest social media platforms globally, boasting 2 billion monthly users (MAUs) as of 2024 ​(Backlinko). 

Users are spread across the globe, with India leading in user count at 358.55 million, followed by the United States at 158.45 million​ (Backlinko). 

31% of users fall in the 18-24 age range, while 30% are aged 25-34, with a slight gender skew toward females at 51% ​(Sprout Social). 

Engagement rates vary depending on the account size; smaller accounts (<5,000 followers) have the highest engagement rates at 8.01%, while larger accounts (>100,000 followers) see lower rates at 0.57% on Instagram ads ​(Meltwater).

What are some facts about Instagram?

Here are some interesting facts about Instagram in 2024:

  • Over 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business account ​(Social Media Dashboard).
  • 83% of users discover new products and services on Instagram ​(Keyhole).
  • 500 million daily active users use Instagram Stories ​(Keyhole).
  • 57.4% increase in Instagram Reels usage was observed in the past year​ (Meltwater).
  • 35.71% of global mobile users log into Instagram monthly​ (Backlinko).

These Instagram statistics showcase Instagram’s powerful reach and influence across various demographics and industries.

How can I see statistics on Instagram?

You must have a business or creator account to view your statistics on Instagram. Once set up:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Insights.”
  3. Here, you can explore various Instagram statistics, including:
    • Reach and impressions for your posts, stories, and Reels.
    • Follower demographics, including age, gender, and location.
    • Engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves.

Instagram Insights and Instagram ads provide detailed metrics to help you understand how your content is performing and how your audience engages with it.

What do most people use Instagram for?

Most people use Instagram to entertain and stay connected with friends and family. 

According to a 2024 survey, 86% of users cited entertainment as their primary reason for using the platform​ (Social Media Dashboard). 

Additionally, 70% of shoppers turn to Instagram for product discovery and inspiration​ (Keyhole). 

Instagram is also a popular platform for influencer marketing, with 79% of brands choosing Instagram to collaborate with influencers ​(Social Media Dashboard).


Dimitar Miller is a seasoned freelance writer and SEO specialist at SidesMedia with over 7 years of experience crafting high-quality content in technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. Dimitar’s work has been featured in notable publications, and he has collaborated with leading tech startups to develop successful content strategies and manage SEO campaigns. Dimitar ensures all his articles are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and regularly updated to provide readers with reliable and insightful information.

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