10 Proven Tactics How to Get More Followers on Medium

If you’re looking to learn how to get more followers on Medium, you’re in the right place. 

You are struggling, and it’s obvious you need more people to see and engage with your Medium articles.

When you have more followers, your stories reach a bigger audience, which can lead to more opportunities. 

In this article, We’ll show you some simple but effective ways to grow your followers on Medium.

How to Get More Followers on Medium

Here are the ten best strategies you need to try to grow your Medium profile.

1. Create High-Quality Content Consistently

One of the best ways to get more followers on Medium is by posting good content regularly. Having articles published consistently accelerates follower growth and aligns with the platform’s algorithm, which rewards prolific writing.

Medium rewards writers who are consistent, so it’s important to stick to a schedule. But it’s not just about how often you post.

You have to make sure your Medium stories are interesting and useful to your readers.

How to Write Engaging Content

To grab the attention of Medium followers, start your articles with a strong and interesting opening. Tell a story or give practical advice that your readers can use. People love reading content that they can relate to or learn from.

For example, imagine a Medium writer who posts a helpful guide every week. Over time, this writer sees their follower count go up because readers look forward to the new content each week.

2. Understand Your Audience

To get more followers on Medium, you need to know who you’re writing for. If you don’t understand your audience, your content might not connect with them.

Identify Your Niche

Focus on a specific topic that you know well. Writing about one main subject helps you build a loyal audience. Instead of trying to cover everything, stick to what you’re passionate about and knowledgeable about.

Research Popular Topics

Find out what topics are trending in your niche on Medium. Check out the “Top Writers” section to see what other Medium writers are talking about. 

By writing about similar topics, you can tap into popular conversations and attract more followers.

If you’re into tech and you see that articles about AI are getting a lot of attention, you could write your own AI-related Medium article to draw in readers who are interested in that topic.

3. Optimize Your Profile

Your Medium profile is like your online business card. It’s the first thing people see, so make it count.

Craft a Strong Bio

Your bio should be short and clear. Let readers know who you are and what they’ll get from your stories. Use keywords related to your niche to help people find you more easily.

Use a Professional Profile Picture

A clear and professional profile picture makes you look more trustworthy. Medium writers with good profile pictures tend to get more followers because they look serious and reliable.

Imagine two Medium profiles: one has a clear bio explaining what the writer does, along with a sharp profile picture; the other has a vague bio and a blurry photo. The first profile is more likely to attract followers because it looks more professional.

4. Write for Medium Publications

A great way to increase your followers on Medium is by getting your articles featured in Medium publications. These are collections of articles on specific topics that have a large and dedicated readership.

When you get your work published in one of these, you’re tapping into existing followers, which can lead to more eyes on your content and, ultimately, more followers.

To get started writing, find publications that match the topics you write about. Each publication usually has its own set of guidelines for submitting articles, so make sure to follow them closely.

Once your article is accepted and published, it’s likely to reach a wider audience than it would on its own.

This extra exposure can give your follower count a real boost, as readers who discover your work through a publication might decide to follow you for more.

5. Leverage Tags Wisely: Use Them to Boost Your Reach

Tags are a powerful tool on Medium that can help your articles get noticed by more people. 

Think of tags as keywords that describe what your article is about. Medium uses these tags to show your story to readers who are interested in similar topics.

You can add up to five tags to each article, so choose them carefully. For example, if you’re writing about social media platforms, use tags like “social media,” “marketing,” or “digital strategy.”

These tags will help Medium direct your article to readers who are interested in those subjects. The right tags can significantly increase the chances of your article being discovered by a broader audience, which can lead to more followers.

Using tags effectively is like giving your content a better chance of being found in the crowd, so don’t skip this step. The more relevant your tags are, the more likely it is that people who are interested in those topics will find and follow your work.

6. Engage with the Community

To build followers on Medium, it’s not enough to just write. You also need to be involved in the community. Engaging with others is really important.

Comment on Other Articles

Leaving thoughtful comments on other stories can get you noticed. When you engage with other writers and their readers, you put your profile in front of new people who might follow you if they like what you have to say. Make sure your comments add value and are related to the article’s content.

Clapping and Highlighting

Medium lets you clap for articles you enjoy and highlight specific sections. When you clap for an article or highlight something interesting, the writer and other readers can see it.

It can draw attention to your profile and make it more likely for others to check out your work. The more you engage with Medium’s features, the more visible you become.

Participate in Medium Challenges and Series

Medium sometimes runs challenges or series on specific topics. Joining these can be a great way to get your work noticed by a larger audience.

These challenges often come with increased exposure because Medium promotes them across the platform. If your article does well in one of these events, you could see a big jump in followers.

Engage with Fellow Medium Writers

Engaging with fellow writers on platforms like Medium is crucial for new authors. By sharing content and participating in follow-up threads within Facebook groups, writers can cultivate initial followers and gain traction in their publishing journey.

7. Promote Your Medium Articles Outside of Medium

While Medium has a large audience, you can attract even more followers by promoting your stories on other platforms.

Use Social Media

Share your Medium articles on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. It can help you reach people who aren’t already on Medium.

Make sure to include a compelling description and a link to your article when you post. Social media can drive significant traffic to your Medium profile and lead to more followers.

Build an Email List

Creating an email list allows you to directly share your stories on Medium with subscribers who are interested in what you write.

You can send out a newsletter with links to your latest articles, encouraging readers to follow you on Medium for more. It’s a great way to build a loyal audience outside of the platform.

Collaborate with Other Writers

Working with other Medium writers can help you reach new readers. You can guest post on each other’s profiles, co-write a few articles, or simply promote each other’s work.

This kind of collaboration introduces your content to another writer’s audience, which can result in more followers on Medium.

8. Monetize Your Medium Account to Attract Followers

Monetizing your account not only brings in some income but also helps you attract more followers.

When people see that your Medium posts are part of the Medium Partner Program, it signals that your content is valuable and worth following.

Medium Partner Program

The Partner Program allows you to earn money based on how much time people spend reading your articles.

To join, you need to meet certain requirements, like having at least 100 followers on Medium. Once you’re in, your articles can reach a broader audience because the Medium algorithm tends to favor posts that are earning well.

This can lead to more visibility and, in turn, more Medium followers. The key is to keep producing content that keeps readers engaged.

Selling Products or Services

Your Medium account can also be a platform for promoting your personal and professional background.

If you have a product, service, or even a book, Medium is a great place to introduce it to your readers. By writing articles that tie into what you’re offering, you can attract followers who are interested in your expertise and what you have to sell.

For example, a freelance writer might offer writing services directly through their stories, which could attract more followers looking for that specific skill set.

9. Analyze and Improve Your Strategy

Growing your followers on Medium isn’t just about writing and posting; you also need to regularly analyze your performance and tweak your strategy based on what’s working.

Using Medium’s Stats

Medium provides stats on how your articles are performing, including views, reads, and claps.

These stats give you valuable insights into what’s resonating with your target audience and what’s not. For example, if you notice that certain topics consistently get more engagement, it might be worth focusing more on those areas.

Regularly checking your stats helps you understand the Medium algorithm and how it’s affecting your posts.

Adjusting Your Medium Stories Based on Feedback

Reader feedback is another important tool. Pay attention to comments and messages from your audience.

If multiple readers suggest improvements or mention something they liked, use that information to adjust your future posts on Medium.

This kind of responsive content creation can help you build a stronger connection with the Medium community and attract new Medium followers.

10. Buy Medium Followers from SidesMedia

If you’re looking for the quickest way to boost your follower count on Medium, purchasing followers is a highly effective strategy.

A larger follower base not only increases your social proof but also positions you as a credible voice in your industry.

Readers are naturally drawn to accounts with a substantial following, making them more likely to engage with your content.

At SidesMedia, we provide authentic followers with real, active accounts. With years of experience in the field, we ensure top-quality service at competitive prices.

Our packages are designed to fit a variety of needs and budgets, allowing you to choose the option that best supports your goals on Medium.

Each purchase also comes with a 30-day retention warranty, ensuring that if any followers drop off, they’ll be replaced at no extra cost.

By choosing SidesMedia, you’re not just buying followers; you’re investing in your growth on Medium. A strong follower base can significantly enhance your reach, helping your posts get the attention they deserve.


When you first start writing on Medium, you will struggle to gain traction.

The key to growing your follower base is understanding your audience, consistently producing quality content, and smartly using Medium’s tools.

If you’ve been wondering how to get more followers on Medium, know that it’s not about quick tricks or shortcuts; it’s about genuine connection and providing value.

Think of Medium as a place where your voice can reach people who care about what you have to say. By applying the strategies we’ve shared, you’re not just chasing numbers; you’re building a community of readers who truly appreciate your work. So start implementing these tips today, and watch your follower count grow naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Get Followers Quickly on Medium?

To quickly gain followers on Medium, focus on posting high-quality content regularly.

Engage with the Medium community by commenting on other writers’ posts and participating in challenges, which can increase your visibility.

Optimize your profile with a clear Medium bio and a professional image to attract followers.

Promoting your articles on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can also drive more traffic to your Medium profile.

For an extra boost, consider purchasing followers from trusted providers like SidesMedia, ensuring they are real and active for genuine engagement.

How to Get More Subscribers on Medium?

To get more subscribers on Medium, create content that directly appeals to your target audience. Engage with readers by responding to comments and participating in discussions, which encourages them to subscribe.

Additionally, sharing your stories across social media platforms can attract new subscribers who are interested in your content. Consistency and engagement are key, and subscribers are more likely to follow accounts that regularly provide valuable insights.

Do You Need 100 Followers on Medium?

Yes, you need at least 100 followers to join the Medium Program. Reaching this milestone allows you to start earning money from your Medium posts based on reader engagement.

The more followers you have, the more potential you have to grow your earnings and reach on Medium.

Can I Buy Medium Followers?

Yes, you can buy Medium followers from reputable services like SidesMedia. Purchasing followers can quickly increase your follower count, improve your credibility, and make your content more appealing to new readers.

It’s important to choose a provider that offers real, active followers to ensure they engage with your content rather than just inflating your numbers.

Luka L.

Luka Lucheski is a digital marketing strategist and content creator with over 5 years of experience in social media growth and engagement. As a leading writer at SidesMedia, Luka has helped brands increase their online visibility through data-driven content strategies featured in top marketing publications. Committed to delivering accurate and relevant insights, Luka blends creativity with analytics to provide readers with actionable advice.

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