Why Do My TikToks Get 0 Views?

It can be really frustrating when you put time and effort into creating a TikTok video, but it gets 0 views. 

If you’re asking, “Why do my TikToks get 0 views?” you’re not alone. 

There are several reasons this could happen, from issues with the app to how your content is presented. 

Sometimes, TikTok’s algorithm might not favor your same video, or there might be a glitch on the platform that prevents it from being seen. 

Other times, it could be related to your new account settings, like making your video private or not using hashtags properly. 

Let’s explore why this happens and how to fix it.

Why Do My TikToks Get 0 Views?

So, why do your TikToks get 0 views? The truth is, there isn’t just one answer.

Here are some common reasons:

  1. New Account or Shadowban: If you’ve just created your TikTok account, it might take a little while for the app to start showing your TikTok videos to people. Sometimes, accounts can also be shadowbanned, meaning TikTok temporarily limits your reach without telling you. Shadowbans usually happen if you’ve broken some of TikTok’s guidelines, even if it was by mistake.
  2. Content Violations: If your video goes against TikTok’s community guidelines, it won’t get pushed out to viewers. Even if it’s something small, like copyrighted music or inappropriate content, the app will block or limit how many people see it.
  3. Wrong Posting Time: Believe it or not, timing matters. Posting videos when your audience isn’t online could result in fewer views because TikTok’s algorithm likes to show TikTok videos when people are actively using the app.
  4. Not Using Hashtags: TikTok relies on hashtags to categorize content and make sure it reaches the right audience. If you don’t use hashtags or use the wrong ones, your same video might not reach the people who are most likely to watch it.
  5. Private Account: If your TikTok account is set to private, only people who follow you can see your TikTok videos. This means your content won’t appear on anyone’s “For You” page, leading to 0 views.
  6. Algorithm Not Favoring Your Video: TikTok’s algorithm decides which TikTok videos get pushed to more people. If your video doesn’t grab attention immediately, the algorithm might not show it to many users.

10 Tips on How to Increase TikTok Views

TikToks with 0 Views

Now that we know why your TikToks might get 0 views, let’s talk about how to fix it. 

Below are 10 tips that can help you increase your TikTok views and get your content noticed.

1. Buy TikTok Views from SidesMedia

One way to boost your views is by purchasing them from SidesMedia. 

We offer a safe and effective way to increase your views, helping your TikTok videos get noticed by more people. 

When you buy TikTok views, your content receives a boost, making it more likely to be seen by new viewers. 

We make sure that all the views you buy come from real accounts, so you don’t have to worry about anything shady happening with your profile. 

This is a great way to kickstart your TikTok growth if you’re struggling to get noticed.

2. Post at the Right Times

Timing is key when it comes to TikTok. If you post when your audience is online, you have a better chance of getting more views. 

Check TikTok analytics to see when your followers are most active and aim to post during those times. 

Generally, evenings and weekends work best for many users.

TikTok is all about trends. If you want to get more views, you need to tap into what’s popular. Use trending sounds, music, and hashtags. 

But make sure you add your own twist to stand out from the crowd. TikTok loves creative content!

4. Engage with Other Users

Engagement is a two-way street. If you want people to engage with your content, you need to engage with theirs. 

Comment on videos, follow people, and respond to comments on your own videos. 

The more you interact with others, the more likely they are to check out your profile and watch your TikTok videos.

5. Use Hashtags Properly

Hashtags help TikTok understand what your video is about and who might want to see it. 

Make sure you use relevant hashtags that match your content. 

You don’t have to use too many, but make sure the ones you do use are popular enough to help your video get seen by more people.

6. Create High-Quality Content

Buy TikTok Views from SidesMedia

If your videos aren’t interesting or they’re poorly made, people won’t want to watch them. Invest in good lighting, clear audio, and engaging ideas. 

A video-quality standard will keep people watching and coming back for more.

7. Post Consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to TikTok. 

The more you post, the more chances you have of getting your videos seen. 

Try to stick to a regular reposting videos schedule so your audience knows when to expect new content from you.

8. Collaborate with Others

Collaborating with other TikTok users is a great way to reach a wider audience. 

Whether it’s through a duet or a direct collaboration, working with others can introduce your content to their followers, helping you gain more views.

9. Promote on Other Platforms

Don’t just rely on TikTok to get your content out there. Share your TikTok videos on other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. 

This can help bring in more viewers and grow your audience across different channels.

TikTok is constantly evolving, so staying updated with trends is important. Keep an eye on what’s popular, whether it’s a new filter, sound, or challenge. 

The faster you jump on trends, the more likely you are to get noticed.

Organic Growth vs. Buying TikTok Views

MethodOrganic GrowthBuying Views (SidesMedia)
TimeTakes longer to gain viewsInstant boost in views
CostFree, but requires more effortPaid, but saves time and effort
ReachSlowly builds over timeImmediate exposure to a larger audience
RiskNo risk if done rightSafe with SidesMedia’s real accounts
EffectivenessDependent on consistency and luckGuaranteed boost with purchased views

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been asking, “Why do my TikToks get 0 views?” now you have some answers and solutions. 

From making sure your TikTok account isn’t shadowbanned to posting at the right times, there are many ways to boost your views. 

Remember, you can also use services like SidesMedia to buy TikTok views to give your views a head start. 

Just remember to stay consistent, engage with others, and create content that people want to watch. 

With these tips, you should start seeing more views on your TikTok videos in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get More TikTok Views

Why is my TikTok video on zero views?

If your video has 0 views, it could be due to several reasons. One common issue is that the TikTok algorithm hasn’t picked up your high-quality video yet. 

When you first upload content, it may take a little time before the app starts distributing it to users. 

Other reasons could include shadowbanning, which can happen if you’ve unknowingly violated TikTok’s community guidelines. 

If this is the case, TikTok will limit the exposure of your videos. Another simple cause might be that your new account is set to private, which means only your new 1k followers can see your well-lit videos. 

At the same time, not using hashtags or trending music can also limit your video’s visibility.

If you’re tired of waiting for the TikTok algorithm to work in your favor, we recommend giving your videos a boost. 

At SidesMedia, we offer a reliable way to increase your TikTok views. 

By purchasing views from real and new accounts, we help you get your video content in front of more eyes, giving it the attention it deserves.

Why aren’t my TikToks getting views?

When your TikToks don’t get views, it can feel frustrating, especially if you’re putting in a lot of effort. 

A common reason for this is that TikTok’s algorithm hasn’t favored your video. 

This might happen if your video doesn’t grab attention within the first few seconds or if it’s not using popular sounds or hashtags. 

Timing is also a factor; if you’re posting when your audience is not active, your video may get buried and not seen by many people.

To solve this, you can start by optimizing your engaging content: use trending music, engage with your followers, and post when your audience is most active. 

For a faster solution, we at SidesMedia can help boost your TikTok views on the TikTok app. 

By buying views from us, you give your videos a better chance of being seen by a larger audience, which helps the algorithm recognize and promote your content to even more people.

Should I delete a TikTok video with 0 views?

It can be tempting to delete a TikTok video if it’s sitting at 0 views, but this might not always be the best approach. 

Sometimes, videos take a little while to pick up momentum. The algorithm could eventually push your TikTok content to more users even after an initial slow start. 

Instead of deleting, you might want to look at what could be improved, like adding relevant hashtags, better captions, or using a more engaging opening clip.

However, if your video still doesn’t perform after some time, and you feel it’s not your best work, you could consider re-uploading videos with some tweaks. 

If you want to avoid the frustration of 0 views entirely, SidesMedia can help. We provide a safe way to increase your views instantly, so you never have to deal with that 0 views issue again. 

We ensure all our views come from real and new accounts so your TikTok content stays safe and grows naturally for further support.

Why won’t TikTok show me my views?

If TikTok isn’t showing you the views on your video, it could be due to a glitch, a delay in updating your private account, or a possible restriction. 

Sometimes, TikTok’s servers experience delays, and your views might not be updated right away. 

This can be frustrating, but usually, the views will appear after a short period. 

Another reason could be that TikTok has flagged your content for review. 

Until it clears that process, your video might not be visible to others, which means no views are being counted.

If waiting around for TikTok to update your views is getting annoying, you can always take control by boosting your video with SidesMedia. 

We offer a quick, easy way to get real views from real TikTok users so you can focus on creating great content instead of worrying about technical issues. 

By using our service, you can rest assured that your videos will gain the traction they need.


Dimitar Miller is a seasoned freelance writer and SEO specialist at SidesMedia with over 7 years of experience crafting high-quality content in technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. Dimitar’s work has been featured in notable publications, and he has collaborated with leading tech startups to develop successful content strategies and manage SEO campaigns. Dimitar ensures all his articles are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and regularly updated to provide readers with reliable and insightful information.

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