How to get Vimeo Staff Pick

If you want to get your video seen on Vimeo, you’re probably wondering how to get Vimeo staff pick.

It’s a big deal for creators because it not only shows off your work but puts it in front of thousands of Vimeo users. 

The curation staff picks videos daily, showing off the best of the best. 

It’s not luck – it’s quality, creativity, and knowing what the Vimeo staff is looking for.

A Staff Pick is like a badge of honor from the Vimeo curation team. It means your video is so good it should be seen by more people. 

If you get a Staff Pick, it’s featured on the site, giving it a lot more visibility. But Vimeo doesn’t just hand these out. 

How to get Vimeo Staff Pick: 3 Simple Steps

vimeo staff pick

One thing that separates good videos from bad ones is storytelling. If your video tells a good story, it’s more likely to resonate with viewers and the Vimeo staff.

Buy Views from SidesMedia

Get your video started with views from SidesMedia. A higher view count will get attention and give your video the initial push to get noticed by the Vimeo staff. 

This will increase engagement and visibility on the platform.

Create Engaging Storytelling

Once you have an audience, focus on the story. Storytelling is what separates a good video from a great one.

Keep it Simple 

Don’t overcomplicate the plot. Simple stories work better with viewers even in short films.

Evoke Emotion 

Whether your video is funny, sad, or exciting, it needs to make you feel something. That’s what makes a video memorable and shareable.

Show, Don’t Tell 

Let your visuals and actions do the talking. Don’t over-explain everything through dialogue or text.

Create Relatable Characters 

If your video has characters, make them relatable so viewers care about their journey and outcome.

Focus on Retention

Videos with good storytelling keep viewers engaged. 

Stats show videos with strong storytelling have higher viewer retention. A study found people are 22 times more likely to remember a story than a fact without context. 

So make sure your story sticks with the audience by creating an experience.

So tell a story that sticks with people.

The Curation Team

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, you need to understand the role of the curation team. 

These are real people-Vimeo employees who love films, documentaries, animations, and everything in between. 

They watch thousands of videos daily and only a few cut. It’s competitive but not impossible.

They’re always on the lookout for unique, well-made videos. Their job is to highlight content that stands out for creativity, compelling story, and technical skills.

What Does the Curation Team Look For?

Vimeo staff picks aren’t random. The curation team looks for high production values and engaging storytelling. They want videos that are:


Vimeo staff pick wants to see something new. Don’t copy what’s popular.


Good sound, clear visuals, and professional editing go a long way.

Emotionally Impactful 

Videos that make people feel something-whether it’s joy, sadness, or inspiration- often stand out.


The more people who can connect to your video, the better. Don’t make something only a small audience will understand.

In short, you need to think about what makes your video unique. If it looks or feels like something viewers have seen a hundred times before, it’s going to be harder to get the curation team’s attention.

Vimeo Curation Team Preferences

The Vimeo staff picks have their preferences and they tend to like shorter usually under 10 minutes. They also like unique genres and love to see videos that push boundaries.

Professional Look

Vimeo curators love videos that look professional. This doesn’t mean you need to break the bank, but it does mean your video should be clean and polished.

Improved Video Quality

  • Lighting: Good lighting can make even a low-budget video look professional. Always make sure your subjects are well-lit.
  • Sound: Don’t skimp on audio. Bad sound can ruin a great video. If your video has dialogue make sure it’s clear.
  • Editing: Use editing to enhance your video, but don’t overdo it. Simple cuts and smooth transitions often work better than flashy effects.

According to a study, viewers are 62% more likely to have a negative reaction to videos with bad audio, even if the visuals are perfect. So get that audio sound amazing!

What Genres Do Well

  • Documentaries: Personal stories or unique insights into topics people haven’t seen a hundred times.
  • Animation: Vimeo loves exceptional craft in animations, especially if they tell a story.
  • Short Films: These are the bread and butter of Staff Picks. Just make sure your story is engaging from the start.
  • Music Videos: If your music video has a creative twist or artistic flair it could catch the curator’s attention.

Remember curators are film lovers at heart. They like originality and edgy content but only if it feels authentic.

Promoting Tips for Your Video

get vimeo staff pick

Once you’ve uploaded your video to Vimeo there’s more to do. Getting a Staff Pick isn’t just about creating an amazing video, it’s also about making sure people see it.

Boost Your Views

A great way to get your video noticed is to buy Vimeo views from a reputable service like SidesMedia. 

This will give your video the initial boost it needs to get seen by the Vimeo curators. 

An increased view count will create buzz around your video and encourage organic views as more people discover your content.

Self Promotion Tips

  • Share on Social Media: Vimeo curators follow filmmakers on Twitter and Instagram. The more attention your video gets outside of Vimeo, the better. Use your social media channels to promote and get your followers to share your work.
  • Collaborate with Other Creators: Team up with other Vimeo users to expand your reach. If their audience likes your content, this could get your video a lot more views. Collaborations can get you shared audiences and more engagement.
  • Submit to Festivals: Vimeo curators attend big film festivals like SXSW and Sundance to find new talent. Getting your video into one of these festivals can increase your chances of being staff-picked.

Combining these strategies, along with purchasing views initially, can significantly improve your video’s chances of getting noticed and celebrated on Vimeo.

Comparison Table: Vimeo vs. Other Platforms for Recognition

FeatureVimeo Staff PickYouTube FeatureInstagram Explore
CurationYes (manual)No (algorithmic)No (algorithmic)
Focus on QualityHighMediumLow
Community EngagementHighMediumLow
Ideal Video Length2–10 minutesAnyLess than 1 minute
Ease of DiscoveryMediumHighHigh

As you can see, Vimeo Staff Picks are curated not viral or algorithmic.


It’s not about following a formula for how to get Vimeo staff pick but about creating content that’s creative, good, and authentic. 

Tell stories, produce great work, and be yourself. Be active in the Vimeo community and share your work far and wide. 

A Staff Pick isn’t just a Vimeo staff pick badge. It’s a seal of approval from a community that values creativity and quality. 

Make something you love and the recognition will come.

There’s no guarantee but consistent effort and originality will get you that Staff Pick badge.

Even if you don’t get picked the first time, don’t give up. Keep creating, keep improving and who knows? Your next video might be the one that gets noticed.

Frequently Asked Questions

staff pick vimeo

How to get a Vimeo staff pick?

To get a Vimeo Staff Pick, focus on:

  • Original and High-Quality Content: Staff Picks are for standout work. Make sure your video is original, looks good, and offers something new.
  • Strong Storytelling: Engage your audience with a good narrative, whether it’s a short film, doc, or animation.
  • High Production Value: Pay attention to the details like lighting, sound, and editing. A professional-looking video goes a long way.
  • Be Authentic: Staff Picks often feature genuine, creative voices. Be yourself or your message, as authenticity tends to resonate with the Vimeo team.
  • Active on Vimeo: Upload regularly, engage with the community, and show a portfolio of good work.
  • Share Your Work: Promote your video on social media and other platforms. The more noise your video makes, the more likely it is to get noticed by the Vimeo staff.
  • Watch Staff Picks for Inspiration: Get a sense of what Vimeo likes by watching past Staff Picks and learn from them.

There’s no guaranteed formula, but following these steps will help improve your chances of getting noticed.

How do I get my video seen on Vimeo?

To get your video seen on Vimeo, focus on quality and storytelling. Here’s what to do:

  • The first logical step for boosting views on your video is buying views from SidesMedia. We offer real engagement that will give your video the initial push to get noticed by the Vimeo staff. 
  • Create great content: Videos that tell a unique story or have a fresh perspective are more likely to get noticed. Think about what makes your video emotional or visually interesting.
  • Polish your video: Make sure the audio and video are top-notch. Curators love well-produced content with clear sound and professional editing.
  • Use good titles and thumbnails: A good title and custom thumbnails will grab attention at first glance.
  • Share on social media: Share your video on Twitter or Instagram to get the curator’s attention.
  • Join Vimeo groups and communities: Get your video added to relevant channels or groups within Vimeo to get more visibility​.

How do I join a Vimeo team?

You can’t apply to be part of the curation team but you can get involved in other ways:

  • Collaborate with Vimeo staff: Email the curators, share your work, and build a relationship. Many curators are approachable and looking for new talent.
  • Contribute as a creator: Vimeo encourages creators to be part of its community. You can build your network by collaborating with other filmmakers or getting your videos featured in Vimeo channels or groups. 
  • Networking through film festivals: Vimeo curators often scout talent at festivals like SXSW. Get your work seen in these spaces and you may get noticed by the Vimeo team​.

How to earn money from Vimeo?

Vimeo has several ways for creators to monetize:

  1. Vimeo On Demand: Sell or rent your videos to your audience. You control the pricing and distribution and keep 90% of the revenue after transaction fees.
  2. Subscriptions: Creators can offer subscription-based content where fans pay for exclusive access to videos.
  3. Video licensing: Some creators can sell the rights to their videos through licensing deals on Vimeo, so other platforms can use their content.
  4. Tips and donations: Viewers can tip creators to support their work and well when independent filmmaker taking risks.

By creating high-quality videos that people want to watch and share, you can turn Vimeo into a source of income!

Luka L.

Luka Lucheski is a digital marketing strategist and content creator with over 5 years of experience in social media growth and engagement. As a leading writer at SidesMedia, Luka has helped brands increase their online visibility through data-driven content strategies featured in top marketing publications. Committed to delivering accurate and relevant insights, Luka blends creativity with analytics to provide readers with actionable advice.

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