13+ Legit Tips to Get More Subscribers on YouTube

If you’re wondering how to get more subscribers on YouTube, you’re not alone. 

Growing a YouTube channel takes time and effort, but with the right strategies, you can speed up the process and see substantial results. 

In this guide, we’ll explore various methods to increase your YouTube subscribers, focusing on effective and practical tips that anyone can implement. 

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing channel, these methods will help you attract more subscribers and get success both short term and in the future.

How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube

Here are the best ways you can improve your YouTube channel’s subscriber count:

1. Purchase YouTube Subscribers from SidesMedia

Youtube subscribers via SidesMedia

The quickest and most reliable way to get more subscribers on YouTube is by using SidesMedia. It is a reputable growth service that can be a game changer for your YouTube videos.

SidesMedia provides 100% real people engagement.

All the subscribers you gain through their service are genuine users. This real engagement helps your channel grow authentically, making your subscriber base more valuable and active.

Their packages are reasonably priced and offer great value for the quality of service you receive. SidesMedia has a plan that can fit your budget, whether you want a big 50k boost or just a couple of hundred YouTube subscribers.

They prioritize the safety of your channel. You are guaranteed that you won’t face any issues or penalties from YouTube. 

They use methods that comply with YouTube’s terms of service so you can grow your channel without worrying about potential risks.

All you need to do is select the number of subscribers you want, provide your YouTube channel URL, and make a secure payment. It’s that simple, and you’ll see results quickly. 

The straightforward process means you can focus on creating great content, while SidesMedia helps you build your audience. 

Buying YouTube subs is the fastest and easiest approach by far. You just need the right provider, and SidesMedia is just what you need if you are struggling.

2. Create and Post Highly Watchable Content

This is the most obvious approach to getting more YouTube subscribers. To attract and retain subscribers on your YouTube channel, you need to create and upload videos of the highest quality.

Understand your target audience and what they want to see. Conduct research, read comments, and use YouTube Analytics to gain insights into your viewers’ preferences.

Before hitting the record button, plan your videos thoroughly. Create a script or an outline to keep your content structured and focused. This ensures that your videos are informative and entertaining from start to finish.

Invest in good equipment for filming and editing, too. Clear audio and sharp video quality make your content more professional and enjoyable to watch. Pay attention to lighting, sound, and editing to enhance the overall production value.

Your YouTube video content should be the number one priority, but posting just quality content today is not enough. Let’s continue with other methods that will help you spread the word about your YouTube videos.

3. Design Eye-Catching Thumbnails

Thumbnails and channel art are crucial in determining whether viewers click on your video. A well-designed thumbnail can make your content stand out among the many videos available on YouTube. Here’s how you can create thumbnails that attract more subscribers.

Use Bright Colors

Bright and contrasting colors are essential for catching the eye. These colors make your thumbnail stand out in a sea of other videos. Select colors that grab attention, complement each other, and are relevant to your video’s content to blow up instantly. The right color combination can significantly increase the likelihood of someone choosing to watch your video.

Include Text

Incorporating text into your thumbnail provides viewers with a quick idea of what your YouTube video is about. Use bold, readable fonts, and keep the text short and to the point. Words like “How to,” “Tips,” or “Guide” are effective in immediately conveying the video’s purpose. Clear and concise text can decide for a viewer in a hurry.

High-Quality Images

Ensure that the images you use for your thumbnails are clear and high-resolution. Blurry or pixelated photos can deter potential viewers. Use a screenshot from the video that best represents its content whenever possible. High-quality images project professionalism and can entice viewers to click on your video.

Faces and Emotions

Thumbnails featuring faces, especially those showing strong emotions, tend to perform better. 

Humans are naturally drawn to faces and expressions, making these thumbnails more engaging. Showing a reaction related to your video’s topic can attract more clicks and views.

Consistent Style

Developing consistent channel art for your thumbnails helps build your channel’s identity. Consistency makes it easier for viewers to recognize your videos at a glance. This cohesive look strengthens your brand and encourages viewers to subscribe to your channel for more content.

4. Participate in Trends and Engage with Your Audience

Keeping up with trends and actively engaging with your audience are effective strategies for growing your YouTube channel. You can attract more people by leveraging current trends and fostering audience interaction.

Stay Updated on Trends

It is essential to follow popular trends in your niche and create content around them. This could involve viral challenges, trending topics, or current events. 

Being timely with trend-based content can draw many viewers who are searching for the latest information. Staying relevant keeps your YouTube channel visible and appealing to a broader audience.

Use Hashtags

Incorporating trending hashtags in your video titles, video descriptions, and tags helps your content get discovered by people looking for videos on those topics. Ensure the hashtags are relevant to your content to attract the right audience. 

Engage with Your Audience

Responding to comments on your videos helps build a connection with your viewers. Ask questions in your videos to encourage interaction and make viewers feel valued. 

Engaging with your audience fosters a community around your channel, making viewers more likely to subscribe and stay loyal. This interaction also provides insights into what your audience likes and expects.

5. Tag Your YouTube Videos with Popular, Related Keywords (YouTube SEO)

Effective tagging is a critical component of YouTube SEO, helping your videos get discovered by a broader audience. By tagging your video with popular and related keywords, you increase its visibility in search results and related video suggestions.

Use Relevant Keywords

When tagging your video, use keywords that are relevant to the content. Think about what video title people might use to search for a YouTube video like yours. 

For instance, if your video is about “how to get more subscribers on YouTube,” include variations like “more YouTube subscribers” and “increase YouTube subscribers.”

Analyze Competitors

Look at the tags used by successful YouTube videos in your niche. Tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ can help you analyze the tags used by top-performing videos.

Include Specific and Broad Tags

A mix of specific and broad tags can help your video reach a wider audience. Specific tags target niche viewers, while broad tags attract a larger but more general audience. For example, use tags like “YouTube channel tips” (specific) and “YouTube marketing” (broad).

Update Tags Regularly

As trends and search behaviors change, update your video tags to keep them relevant. Regularly reviewing and optimizing your tags can help maintain your video’s visibility over time.

6. Upload Videos that Capture the Viewer’s Attention in the First 10 Seconds

The first 10 seconds of your video are crucial in capturing the viewer’s attention. If you can engage your audience right away, they are more likely to watch the entire video and consider subscribing to your channel.

You should begin your video with a compelling hook that grabs the viewer’s attention immediately. It could be an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a brief preview of what they will learn or see in the video. The goal is to make them curious and eager to watch more. This is also important in your channel trailer.

Get straight to the point within the first few seconds. People struggle with attention span these days. Avoid long introductions or off-topic remarks. Viewers on YouTube tend to have short attention spans, so it’s important to quickly convey what the video is about and why it’s worth watching.

Maybe even give a brief overview of what the video will cover. But do not be boring.

7. Write a Compelling Channel Description

A well-crafted channel description helps potential subscribers understand what your channel is about and why they should subscribe. It’s an opportunity to highlight your content’s value and what viewers can expect from your channel.

Be Clear and Concise

Your channel description should clearly state what your channel offers. Mention the type of content you create, such as tutorials, reviews, or entertainment. Use keywords like “YouTube videos” and “YouTube channel” to improve search visibility.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Points

Explain what makes your channel unique. Whether it’s your expertise, humor, or unique perspective, make sure to highlight it. This will help viewers understand why they should choose you over other YouTube channels.

Add Links and Contact Information

Include links to your social media profiles, website, or other platforms where viewers can find you. Providing contact information can also make it easier for potential collaborators or sponsors to reach out to you.

8. Create YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are a new trend in video content that can help you attract subscribers. These short, engaging videos are designed to be easily consumable and shareable, making them perfect for reaching a wider audience.

Create Shorts around trending topics to capitalize on current interests. This can help viewers discover your content by searching for the latest trends. 

Again, here, use relevant keywords and hashtags to increase the visibility of your Shorts.

It’s important to make every second count. Create content that is quick, engaging, and to the point. Whether it’s a funny moment, a quick tip, or a brief tutorial, make sure it grabs attention and delivers value quickly.

Adding captions and text overlays can enhance your Shorts and make them more accessible. Captions help viewers understand the content even if they’re watching without sound. Text overlays can emphasize key points and make the video more dynamic.

And the main thing here. Use YouTube Shorts to promote your regular, longer content. At the end of your Shorts, encourage viewers to check out your main videos or subscribe to your YouTube channel for more in-depth content. 

9. Promote Your Channel to Relevant Online Communities

Promoting your YouTube channel to relevant online communities can significantly boost your subscriber count. By sharing your content in places where your target audience already spends time, you can attract viewers who are genuinely interested in your videos.

  • Identify the Right Communities: Find online communities that align with your channel’s niche. Look for forums, other social media platforms, subreddits, or specialized websites related to your content. For example, if you create gaming videos, search for gaming forums and Facebook groups dedicated to gaming.
  • Engage Before Promoting: Before sharing your videos, engage with the community by participating in discussions, providing valuable insights, and building relationships with members. Establishing yourself as a valuable contributor makes others more likely to check out your content when you share it.
  • Share Thoughtfully: When sharing your videos, ensure they are relevant to the discussion or topic at hand. Avoid spamming links; instead, provide context for why your YouTube video is helpful. Just one link with your channel page or channel trailer might be enough. Explain what viewers will gain from watching your video and why it’s worth their time.
  • Offer Value: Make sure your video content adds value to the community. Share tutorials, tips, or insights that can help community members. If your videos solve a problem or answer a question commonly discussed in the community, they are more likely to be well-received and attract subscribers.

10. Add Powerful CTAs Into Your Videos

Adding powerful calls to action (CTAs) to your videos is an effective way to encourage viewers to subscribe. CTAs guide your audience on what to do next, increasing the likelihood of them taking action.

End Screens

Use end screens to promote your YouTube channel and other videos. End screens are interactive elements that appear in the last 5-20 seconds of your video. 

Include a YouTube subscribe link to your latest videos, and playlists that viewers might be interested in. This keeps viewers engaged with your content and encourages them to subscribe.

Verbal Reminders

Remind your viewers to subscribe during the video. A simple, friendly reminder like “If you’re enjoying this video, please subscribe for more content like this” can be very effective. Place these reminders at strategic points, such as after sharing valuable information or at the end of the video.

Visual Cues

Use on-screen graphics to remind viewers to subscribe. Animated subscribe buttons, arrows pointing to the subscribe button, or text overlays can catch the viewer’s attention. Visual cues complement verbal reminders and reinforce the call to action.

Interactive Elements

Utilize YouTube’s interactive features, such as cards and annotations, to encourage subscriptions. Cards can appear at any point during your video and can direct viewers to subscribe or watch another video. Annotations can highlight the subscribe button or link to a playlist.

11. Turn a Set of Videos into a Binge-Worthy Playlist

Another underrated tip that people ignore. Consider turning a set of videos into a binge-worthy playlist to boost your subscriber count. 

If you group related videos together, you are going to create a seamless viewing experience for your audience. It’s an effective way of encouraging viewers them to watch multiple videos in succession. 

It not only increases watch time, a crucial metric for YouTube’s algorithm, but also keeps viewers engaged with your content for longer periods. 

When creating playlists, organize your videos around a specific theme, topic, or series to ensure cohesion and relevance. Additionally, promote your playlists across your channel and social media sites to attract more viewers and encourage them to subscribe for more curated content.

12. Customize Your YouTube Channel Page 

Customizing your main channel page is another effective way to attract and retain subscribers. 

Start by optimizing your channel trailer to provide a compelling introduction to your content and encourage viewers to subscribe. 

Use eye-catching channel art that reflects your brand identity and visually communicates the value of your channel. Furthermore, organize your channel layout to prominently embed YouTube videos that are best-performing. 

This helps new visitors quickly understand your channel and why they should subscribe for more. 

Creating a visually appealing and informative YouTube channel page with a great channel trailer creates a positive first impression that encourages viewers to become subscribers.

13. Purchase the Right Equipment For an In-House Studio 

Investing in the right equipment for an in-house studio can significantly improve the quality of your videos and attract more subscribers. 

Quality equipment, such as cameras, microphones, and lighting, enhances the production value of your content, making it more professional and engaging. 

Before making any purchases, consider your specific needs and budget to ensure you invest in equipment that will best suit your content creation goals. 

Additionally, take the time to learn how to use your equipment effectively to maximize its potential and produce high-quality videos YouTube consistently. 

By elevating the production quality of your videos, you create a more enjoyable viewing experience for your audience, increasing the likelihood of them subscribing to your channel for more content.

14. Tap into YouTube Studio Analytics

To effectively grow your YouTube channel and attract more YouTube subscribers, tap into YouTube analytics. 

By regularly analyzing your channel’s performance metrics, such as watch time, audience retention, and subscriber growth, you gain valuable insights into what content resonates with your audience and what areas need improvement. 

Use these insights to refine your content strategy, create more of what your audience loves, and optimize your videos for better performance. 

Additionally, use YouTube Studio analytics to track the effectiveness of your promotional efforts, such as collaborations and community engagement, in driving subscriber growth.


The quest to get more subscribers is a mix of challenges and opportunities. 

You can set your channel up for significant growth and achievement by putting a number of intelligent methods into practice.  

From leveraging platforms like SidesMedia and getting some easy subs to creating compelling content that captivates your audience, the path to increasing your subscriber count is diverse.

Remember, consistency is critical, so staying committed to your goals will yield results over time. 

You need a combination of our fourteen how to get more subscribers on YouTube techniques to propel your channel to new heights and attract a loyal community of subscribers. 

Engagement is really needed on this platform, especially if you want to join the YouTube partner program.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment, learn from your experiences, and adapt your strategies along the way. 

With dedication, creativity, and a focus on delivering value to your audience, you can unlock the secrets to getting more YouTube subscribers on YouTube and building a thriving channel that leaves a lasting impact in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you buy YouTube subscribers?

While buying YouTube subscribers may seem like a quick fix to boost your numbers, it’s essential to consider the long-term implications. 

Purchasing subscribers from reputable services like SidesMedia can provide an initial boost in visibility and credibility. Make sure to avoid questionable platforms that offer free YouTube subscribers.

How much money is 100k views on YouTube?

The amount of money you can earn from 100k views on YouTube varies depending on several factors, including your niche, audience demographics, and ad revenue rates. 

On average, creators can expect to earn between $500 and $2,500 for every 100k views, but this can fluctuate significantly.

How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube fast?

Getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube fast requires a combination of strategic planning, compelling content creation, and active audience engagement. 

Focus on optimizing your videos for search, promoting your channel across social media platforms, collaborating with other YouTube channels, and leveraging YouTube features like end screens and cards to encourage subscriptions. 

Additionally, engage with your audience authentically, respond to comments, and provide value consistently to attract and retain subscribers.

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