How Much Does SoundCloud Pay? A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your Earnings

SoundCloud is a popular platform for music creators, but one common question is: how much does SoundCloud pay artists? 

The answer isn’t straightforward as it depends on several factors like listener engagement, location, and the artist’s monetization strategy. 

This guide will break down SoundCloud’s payment model, explore various monetization methods, and provide tips on how artists can maximize their earnings.

How SoundCloud’s Payment System Works

SoundCloud Pay

Understanding how much SoundCloud compensates artists starts with knowing its unique payment structure. 

Unlike other platforms that offer a fixed payout per stream, SoundCloud’s payment system is based on a fan-powered royalties model. 

This means that the amount artists earn is directly tied to how much time fans spend listening to their music.

What is Fan-Powered Royalties?

Fan-powered royalties are unique to SoundCloud and provide a more personalized payout system. 

Instead of a flat rate per stream, artists earn revenue based on the total time fans spend listening to their signature SoundCloud tracks compared to the overall time they spend listening on SoundCloud. 

This model benefits artists with a highly engaged fan base who are SoundCloud verified.

  • Example

If a fan spends 50% of their time on SoundCloud listening to one artist, a significant portion of their subscription fee goes to that artist. 

This system can potentially lead to higher payouts than traditional models, especially for niche artists with dedicated followers​.

Different Revenue Streams on SoundCloud

Artists on SoundCloud have several ways to earn money beyond just streams. Here are some of the key revenue streams:

SoundCloud Premier and Repost by SoundCloud

Premier allows artists to earn money directly from the platform through ad revenue and subscriptions. 

When enrolled in Premier, artists earn based on the number of streams, the region of listeners, and whether the listeners are using a free or paid account​.

Repost by SoundCloud is another option, allowing artists to distribute their music to other platforms, thereby increasing their revenue potential. 

This program also handles licensing and royalty collection, making it easier for artists to focus on their music creation​.

Licensing and Sync Opportunities

Artists can also leverage SoundCloud for licensing and sync deals. This involves getting music licensed for use in films, TV shows, and commercials. 

For many artists, this can be a lucrative income stream, often exceeding what they earn from streams alone​.

Crowdfunding and Direct Support

Beyond SoundCloud’s built-in monetization programs, artists can also utilize crowdfunding platforms like Patreon. 

This allows them to offer exclusive content and rewards to their most dedicated fans. 

Integrating these platforms with SoundCloud can help artists diversify their income streams and build a more sustainable revenue model​.

How Much Can You Earn per Stream?

Monetization on SoundCloud

The most direct answer to how much SoundCloud pays artists per stream is between $0.0025 and $0.004. 

However, this rate varies widely based on several factors:

  • Engagement Level: Higher engagement from listeners, such as sharing, commenting, and liking, can increase earnings.
  • Listener Location: Streams from countries with higher advertising rates yield more revenue. For example, a stream from the United States is generally worth more than a stream from a country with lower ad revenue​.

SoundCloud vs. Other Platforms

PlatformPay Per Stream (Approx.)Unique Features
SoundCloud$0.0025 – $0.004Fan-powered royalties, licensing opportunities, Premier program
Spotify$0.003 – $0.005Revenue based on total pool of streams
Apple Music$0.006 – $0.01Higher payouts, particularly for popular artists
YouTube Music$0.0006 – $0.002Monetization through ads, YouTube Premium subscribers
Amazon Music$0.004 – $0.007Payouts similar to Spotify, increased earnings in key markets

Factors Influencing Your Earnings on SoundCloud

Several factors can influence how much you earn on SoundCloud:

Genre and Release Timing

Certain genres, such as hip-hop, pop, and electronic music, tend to perform better on SoundCloud, often leading to more streams and higher payouts. 

Additionally, newly released tracks that quickly gain traction and receive a high volume of streams shortly after release are more likely to generate higher revenue due to SoundCloud’s algorithms that promote popular and trending content​.

Subscriber vs. Non-Subscriber Listeners

Revenue from subscribers who pay for SoundCloud Go+ is generally higher because these users contribute directly to the revenue pool without ad interruptions and are famous on SoundCloud

Non-subscribers, on the other hand, listen to ads, which also contribute to the artist’s revenue but at a potentially lower rate​.

Tips to Maximize Your Earnings on SoundCloud

To boost your income on SoundCloud, consider these strategies:

1. Use SoundCloud Pro and Pro Unlimited

Upgrading to SoundCloud Pro or Pro Unlimited offers several benefits, including unlimited uploads, an advanced professional music analytics suite, and the ability to replace tracks without losing stats. 

These features can help artists better understand their audience and make data-driven decisions to increase engagement and streams​.

2. Leverage Social Media and Cross-Promotion

Promote your SoundCloud tracks across various social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Engaging with fans directly through comments and social media updates can help build a loyal audience that frequently streams your music, leading to higher payouts​.

3. Experiment with Different Content Types

Diversify your releases with covers, remixes, and collaborations. This variety not only keeps your existing fans engaged but also attracts new listeners. 

Offering different types of content can also increase the likelihood of getting featured on SoundCloud’s playlists, boosting your visibility and earnings.


How much does SoundCloud pay depends on various factors such as listener engagement, SoundCloud premier monetization methods, and content strategy. 

While the per-stream payout might seem low compared to other platforms, SoundCloud’s unique fan-powered royalties model and additional revenue streams like licensing, sync deals, and crowdfunding provide opportunities for artists to earn more. 

By leveraging these strategies and maximizing engagement, understanding how much SoundCloud remunerates artists can significantly increase their income on SoundCloud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Paid on SoundCloud

How Much Money is 1,000 Views on SoundCloud?

When discussing how much money 1,000 views or streams on SoundCloud can generate, it’s important to understand the platform’s unique payout system. 

Unlike some music streaming services that pay a fixed amount per stream, SoundCloud uses a “fan-powered royalties” model. 

This means that artists are paid based on the level of engagement their fans have with their music. 

On average, the payout for 1,000 streams on SoundCloud ranges from $2.50 to $4.00. 

This range can fluctuate depending on several factors, such as the listener’s location, the type of artists account they have (free or premium), and how engaged they are with the artist’s content.

For example, if your 1,000 streams come from users in countries where advertising rates are high or from SoundCloud Go+ subscribers, the payout can be on the higher end of the range. 

Conversely, if the streams come from countries with lower ad revenues or from non-subscribers, the amount earned might be closer to the lower end. 

It’s also worth noting that SoundCloud calculates earnings monthly, and artists need to meet certain thresholds to receive payouts with SoundCloud tags

Therefore, 1,000 streams might be a small step toward reaching these thresholds, but it does not guarantee a consistent income without further engagement.

How Much Do SoundCloud Artists Get Paid?

The amount that SoundCloud artists get paid varies significantly depending on several factors. 

SoundCloud uses a revenue-sharing model that pays artists based on the number of plays their tracks receive and the type of listener (free or premium). 

Generally, artists earn between $0.0025 and $0.004 per stream, which may seem low compared to other platforms like Apple Music or Spotify. 

However, SoundCloud’s fan-powered royalties can sometimes work in favor of artists with a dedicated fanbase who spend more time listening to their music.

Artists enrolled in programs like Premier or using services like Repost by SoundCloud can also boost their income. 

For example, artists in the Premier program get a share of the advertising and subscription revenue generated by their listeners. 

Additionally, factors like direct fan support, sync licensing opportunities, and collaborations can also contribute to an artist’s earnings on SoundCloud. 

Ultimately, how much an artist earns depends on their ability to engage their audience, their geographical listener base, and their marketing strategies.

How Much is 10,000 Streams on SoundCloud?

If an artist’s track reaches 10,000 streams on SoundCloud, the payout can range from approximately $25 to $40, depending on similar variables like audience engagement and listener location.

For 10,000 streams, the earnings are calculated based on the number of ad impressions generated and the share of revenue from SoundCloud’s subscription service. 

If many of the 10,000 streams are from premium users (SoundCloud Go+), who do not hear ads but still contribute to the revenue pool, the payout could be closer to the higher end.

However, achieving 10,000 streams requires not just putting out content but also consistently promoting it across social media, engaging with fans, and leveraging SoundCloud’s promotional talent discovery tools like SoundCloud Repost. 

Additionally, using SoundCloud Pro or Pro Unlimited services can provide artists with advanced analytics and other tools to maximize their reach and audience engagement, indirectly impacting their payouts. 

Although $25 to $40 might not seem substantial, reaching such milestones can signify a growing fan base and increased visibility, potentially leading to higher earnings down the line through additional streams, collaborations, and other income streams like merchandise sales.

How Much is 100k Plays on SoundCloud?

For artists who achieve 100,000 plays on SoundCloud, the potential earnings can range from $250 to $400. 

This range is influenced by factors such as the location of listeners, engagement levels, and the overall monetization strategy employed by the artist for blowing up on SoundCloud

A large number of streams often indicates a solid fan base, and 100k plays suggest that the artist has successfully promoted their content and engaged with listeners. 

The revenue from 100,000 plays would typically come from a combination of ad revenue from free listeners and subscription revenue from premium listeners.

Artists with 100,000 plays have likely optimized their use of SoundCloud’s monetization tools, such as joining the Premier program or using SoundCloud Repost by SoundCloud to distribute their music to other music platforms. 

Engaging with fans, regularly updating content, and collaborating with other artists are strategies that can further boost engagement and, consequently, income. 

Additionally, this level of plays could make an artist eligible for sync and licensing deals, where their music can be used in movies, commercials, or other media, potentially adding another income stream beyond just SoundCloud plays. 

Reaching 100,000 plays is a significant milestone that can set the stage for further growth and greater financial rewards in the music industry.


Dimitar Miller is a seasoned freelance writer and SEO specialist at SidesMedia with over 7 years of experience crafting high-quality content in technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. Dimitar’s work has been featured in notable publications, and he has collaborated with leading tech startups to develop successful content strategies and manage SEO campaigns. Dimitar ensures all his articles are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and regularly updated to provide readers with reliable and insightful information.

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