How To Get Viewers On YouTube Live | 13 Easy Ways

How to Get YouTube Live Views

So, you want to know how to get viewers on YouTube Live? You’re in the right place!

Building an audience for your YouTube Live streams can be tough, but it’s totally doable.

This will walk you through 10 steps to get more viewers and keep them watching.

New to live streaming or want to grow your current numbers? These tips will help you reach more and get more YouTube live stream viewers. Let’s get started!

13 Ways How to Get Viewers on YouTube Live Stream

Here are the ways to get more YouTube live views:

1. Buy Viewers on YouTube Live from SidesMedia

The fastest and most effective way to grow your YouTube Live viewers is to buy live viewers from SidesMedia.

This will give your live stream an instant boost by adding more people watching. 

A higher viewer count makes your YouTube channel look more credible and attracts more organic viewers to join in.

Why buying YouTube live stream views from SidesMedia works:

  • Instant Results: See the increase in your live streaming numbers right away.
  • Improved Engagement: A bigger audience means more likes, shares, and comments and more visibility.
  • Increased Organic Reach: The YouTube algorithm favors videos with higher engagement, so your stream is more likely to show up in search results and suggested videos.
  • Enhanced Credibility: More viewers make your content look popular and help you go viral on YouTube fast.

Why SidesMedia?

  • Provides real viewers, not bots, and ensures real engagement.
  • Fast delivery – results often within minutes.
  • Safe and compliant with YouTube’s terms, so you don’t have to worry about any penalties.
  • It’s way cheaper than YouTube ads that don’t often work.

2. Optimize Your YouTube Channel for Live Streaming

First impressions matter on YouTube. To get more live stream viewers, you need to optimize your YouTube channel. 

This means having a professional-looking profile picture, a well-designed channel banner, and a compelling “About” section that explains what your YouTube Live stream content is about.

Start by using high-quality images and clear text in your channel banner. Think of it like a billboard – what would make people stop and look? 

Make sure your banner gives potential subscribers a reason to stick around by showcasing your unique value.

If you’re into gaming, you need to include keywords and tags like “live gaming,” “gameplay live stream,” “YouTube live gaming,” and “live stream tutorial.”

These keywords should be in your channel description, video titles, and tags so that your content is searchable on both YouTube and other search engines.

A video thumbnail is really important so that potential viewers can click on it.

Another important thing is your channel trailer. This is the first video new visitors will see, so use it to explain what your YouTube Live streams are about, why they’re exciting, and what to expect in future streams. Keep it short, engaging, and to the point!

Also, use the “featured video” section to promote your upcoming live streams. It will immediately catch the eye of visitors and can lead to more sign-ups.

3. Plan and Schedule Your Live Streams in Advance

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is going live without a plan. A planned YouTube live stream gives you the best chance of getting and keeping viewers. 

Pick a consistent day and time for your streams and stick to it; this will build anticipation among your audience.

By scheduling your live streams at least a week in advance, you can promote them on social media and other channels. 

YouTube has a feature that allows you to schedule a live stream, which will notify your subscribers. It’s a great way to build the hype around your content.

Create a “teaser video” to announce your live stream. Share it on your social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and ask your followers to set reminders.

Quick Win: Consider collaborating with other creators for a joint live stream. When you partner with someone who has similar videos and audience, you instantly expand your reach and get more viewers on YouTube.

4. Use a Strong Hook in the First Few Minutes

Your audience’s attention span is short, especially in the first few minutes of your live stream. You need a strong hook in the first few minutes to keep them watching. Streams that engage viewers in the first few minutes have 20% longer watch time.

Start with a powerful statement, an interesting fact, or a story that grabs attention immediately.

Ask your viewers questions that encourage them to participate in the chat. Interaction in the first few minutes of your YouTube live stream will make your audience feel more involved and valued. The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to stay for the entire stream.

5. Promote Your Live Streams on Social Media Platforms

Increase YouTube Live Viewers

Promotion is key if you want to get more viewers for your live stream. Use all your social media platforms to let people know when you’re going live.

Create engaging posts, stories, or tweets with a call to action that directs your followers to your live streams on YouTube.

Add a link to your stream in your social media bio, and make sure to pin a post about your stream to the top of your profiles.

Create event pages or countdowns to build the hype. Share behind the scenes content, snippets of what to expect or a “teaser video” to give potential viewers a sneak peek of what’s coming.

Tip: Run a small contest or giveaway where viewers need to join your stream to participate. You will attract a broader audience and get people talking about your content.

6. Use YouTube’s Built-In Features for Maximum Engagement

YouTube has several features that can make your live stream more interactive. Use the live chat to talk to your viewers in real time. 

If stuff like this is not already a part of your content marketing strategy, it should be!

The live interaction can increase your watch time and overall viewer retention. When viewers feel like they are part of the experience, they stay longer and come back for future streams.

Pro Tip: Encourage viewers to hit the “like” button, share the YouTube live stream or subscribe to your channel during the broadcast. This simple call to action will increase your reach and bring in new viewers.

7. Team up with Other Creators to Reach a New Audience

Collaboration is one of the best ways to grow your viewership. Team up with other creators or influencers in your niche to do a joint live. 

It brings in new viewers from your collaborator’s audience and makes your live stream more fun and interesting.

It’s a top method to get more views on YouTube.

You can collaborate in many ways, like playing a game together, or discussing a trending topic. This adds variety to your content and brings in new viewers.

Make sure to cross promote your collaboration on all your social media platforms and YouTube channels. Create a shared promotional plan to maximize reach.

8. High Quality Live Video and Audio for a Pro Look

No one wants to watch a live video with poor quality. Invest in a good microphone, webcam, and lighting setup to make your streams look and sound great.

Even if you create content that’s great, bad video or audio quality will scare off direct viewers.

Do a test run before going live to check your internet connection, YouTube video resolution, and audio clarity. Clear professional looking content will keep your audience watching longer and coming back for more.

Viewers are three times more likely to watch streams with high quality video and audio compared to low quality.

9. Review Your Performance to Improve

After each live stream, take time to review your performance use YouTube Analytics to look at key metrics like watch time, average view duration, peak concurrent viewers, and audience retention.

See which parts of your stream kept viewers engaged and which parts made them drop off.

Based on that, use that information to make changes for future streams. Experiment with different formats, times, and content styles to see what works for your audience.

Pro Tip: Ask your viewers for feedback at the end of each stream. Use their feedback to make changes and show them you value their opinion.

10. Turn Your Live Content into YouTube Videos

Don’t let your live stream content go to waste after the broadcast is over! Turn your YouTube Live sessions into shorter clips, highlight reels, or tutorial videos. 

It allows you to reach more viewers who missed the YouTube live stream and more content for your channel.

Ways to Repurpose:

  • Highlight Clips: Cut out the best bits.
  • Tutorial Video: Turn valuable segments into a how-to.
  • Full Stream: Keep the full live stream available for replay and use timestamps for easy navigation.
  • Social Media Teasers: Share snippets on Instagram or TikTok to drive traffic back to your channel.

11. Analyze Viewer Behavior

YouTube Analytics is your go to tool to see what works and what doesn’t. Dive into the metrics to see how viewers are interacting with your YouTube Live content.

Metrics to Watch:

  • Average Watch Time: How long are people watching? This will give you an idea of engagement.
  • Peak Concurrent Viewers: What was the highest number of viewers at any point during your livestream.
  • Traffic Sources: Where are your viewers coming from – are they finding you via social media, search results, or suggested videos?
  • Audience Retention: Where do people drop off to see where you can improve?

Action Points:

  • Content Gaps: Where do viewers lose interest? Adjust future streams accordingly.
  • Live Stream Timing: Experiment with different times and days based on when your audience is most active.
  • Promotional Strategy: Which social media platforms drive the most traffic and double down on those?

12. Connect with Your Audience Before and After Streams

Having a community around your channel is key to retaining live stream viewers. Connect with your audience outside of your live events to build a loyal following.

Pre-Stream Engagement:

  • Host Polls or Q&As: Ask your audience what they want to see in the next stream.
  • Countdown: Build hype with a countdown on your social media.
  • Reply to Comments: Show them you value their feedback by commenting on your videos and posts.

Post-Stream Engagement:

  • Ask for Feedback: Ask viewers to comment on what they liked and what could be improved.
  • Promote Future Streams: Give them a reason to come back by teasing your upcoming live streams.
  • Share Recaps: Post a summary or key takeaways from your live stream on your social media.

Pro Tip: Use these interactions to find out what your audience wants to see next and adjust your content accordingly.

13. Try Different Content Types

Not all content is created equal and what works for one creator may not work for another. Try different content to see what works for your audience.

Content to Try:

  • Interviews and Guest Appearances: Bring on experts, influencers, or other creators for new perspectives.
  • Live Tutorials or How-To Streams: Teach your audience something valuable in real time.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Streams: Show your process, equipment setup, or day to day life.
  • Live Reactions or Reviews: Share your thoughts on trending topics or viral content.
  • Create YouTube shorts: you can get YouTube shorts views and promote your streams this way.

Different content helps send signals to search engines even more.

Why Do YouTube Live Views Matter?

Get more Viewers on YouTube live

When people see a lot of viewers on your YouTube Live stream, they will think your channel is interesting and worth following. 

Plus, YouTube will show your live videos to others if lots of people are watching, which will help your channel rank higher in search results.

2. Build a Community Around Your Channel

Live streaming is a great way to connect with your audience in real-time. More YouTube views means more people joining your streams regularly, commenting with you, and becoming loyal fans. 

Over time, these fans can help promote your channel by sharing your content and bringing in even more viewers.

3. Make More Money from Your Streams

More views can help you earn more in different ways. Higher viewership can attract sponsors, increase Super Chats, and get more people to sign up for channel memberships. 

Channels with lots of views on YouTube get more features, which can help you earn even more.

4. Grow Your Channel Faster

The more views you get on your YouTube streams, the more people you reach. This will help you attract new viewers who might subscribe to your channel. 

As your views grow, you’ll see more subscribers and engagement, which will lead to even more growth and success for your channel.

How to Monetize Your YouTube Live Streams

Monetizing your YT Live streams can be a total game changer for content creators. Here are a few ways you can turn your live streams into revenue streams:

1. Super Chats and Super Stickers

Super Chats and Super Stickers allow your viewers to pay to have their messages highlighted in the live chat. 

This is a great way to get your viewers to engage with you and make money while live streaming. The more interactive your live video stream is, the more likely your viewers will Super Chat to get your attention.

2. Channel Memberships

Channel memberships are another way to monetize your live video streams

You can offer exclusive perks to subscribers who pay a monthly fee, such as custom emojis, badges and members only live streams. Promote these memberships during your live streams to turn regular viewers into paying fans.

3. Sponsorships and Brand Deals

If you have a big following or a highly engaged audience, brands may want to sponsor your live streams or collaborate on specific content. 

Reach out to brands in your niche, or wait for them to come to you. Make sure to integrate any sponsored content naturally so your viewers don’t feel like they’re being sold to.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Promote affiliate products during your live streams and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique referral links. 

This works well for creators who do tutorials, product reviews, or how-to guides. Make sure the products you promote are relevant to your target audience.

5. Sell Merchandise or Digital Products

Use your live stream to promote and sell your merchandise, such as T-shirts, hats, or digital products like eBooks and courses. 

You can use YouTube’s Merch Shelf feature to display your products under your videos so viewers can buy while they watch.

6. Enable Ads on Your Live Streams

Once you’re eligible for the YouTube Partner Program, you can enable ads to appear on your live streaming sessions. 

Mid-roll ads, overlay ads, or pre-roll ads will earn you money every time a viewer watches or interacts with them.

Examples of Successful YouTube Live Streamers

Let’s take a look at a few examples of YouTube creators who have grown their live stream audience and monetized their content.

1. Dr.Lupo

DrLupo is a gaming YouTuber with a large following who has used YouTube to live stream Fortnite, Call of Duty, and other games. 

What sets Dr. Lupo apart is his charity streams, in which he raises money for organizations like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 

His charity streams get thousands of viewers and create a sense of community and purpose with his audience. 

In 2021 he raised over $2 million for charity, proof that great content and a loyal audience can add up to big results.

2. The Try Guys

The Try Guys are a comedy group on YouTube who use YouTube Live to interact with their 8 million+ subscribers. 

They do Q&As, live challenges and behind the scenes streams. By involving their audience in real time decision making and keeping it fun and casual they have grown their live stream views. 

Live content is now a big part of their brand and has helped their overall channel growth and audience loyalty.

3. Nick Nimmin

Nick Nimmin is a well-known figure in the YouTube education space. He uses live streaming to deliver actionable advice, tips, and tutorials for aspiring YouTubers. 

Nick’s consistent live streaming schedule, interactive approach, and valuable content have grown his engaged audience. 

He monetizes, through Super Chats, sponsorships and other digital products, so you can see you can make money in the education niche with live streaming.


Growing a large audience for your YouTube Live streams takes time, effort, and strategy. Start with the most effective step – buying live YouTube viewers from SidesMedia. 

This gives you an immediate boost and helps attract organic viewers. We’ve helped many streamers skyrocket their careers by giving them the jumpstart they need. 

Follow these 10 steps on how to get viewers on YouTube Live, and you’ll be on your way to more live stream viewers, increased engagement, and a thriving YouTube channel.

 Remember to stay consistent, learn from your audience, and keep optimizing your approach to make every stream better than the last.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get viewers on YouTube live?

Make your channel look inviting – use a great banner, a clear profile picture and an interesting “About” section that tells people what to expect. 

Promote your streams ahead of time by posting on your social media accounts and asking your followers to set reminders. 

During the live stream make sure you interact with your viewers in real-time, ask questions, use polls and respond to comments so they feel included. 

People will stick around and come back if they feel part of the community.

Can I get more views on YouTube Live?

Yes! Use YouTube’s features, like scheduled streams and notifications, to remind your subscribers when you go live. 

Make sure your stream title and video description are attention-grabbing and include specific keywords people might search for.

Don’t just rely on YouTube – promote your live stream on other social media and get your target audience hyped for what’s coming. Consistent good content is key; the more engaging your streams, the more people will watch and share.

How do I get more viewers in my live stream?

Engage your viewers from the start by welcoming them as they join and asking questions that start a conversation. 

Promote your live stream on every platform you can think of like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. Make sure your title and thumbnail are attention-grabbing so people will click. Collaborate with other creators to bring in new viewers and keep it fresh.

Why isn’t anyone watching my YouTube live?

There’s a few reasons. Maybe your stream isn’t getting seen – are you promoting it enough before you go live? 

Are your titles and thumbnails good? Also, check your content quality. If the video or audio is bad people will bail. 

Make sure you’re engaging during the stream – talk to your audience, ask for feedback, and keep the energy up. 

Try different times and days to see when your audience is most active. And don’t get discouraged. Keep experimenting until you find what works!

Luka L.

Luka Lucheski is a digital marketing strategist and content creator with over 5 years of experience in social media growth and engagement. As a leading writer at SidesMedia, Luka has helped brands increase their online visibility through data-driven content strategies featured in top marketing publications. Committed to delivering accurate and relevant insights, Luka blends creativity with analytics to provide readers with actionable advice.

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