12 Ways on How to Get Verified on Snapchat

You’re not alone if you’re wondering how to get verified on Snapchat

Many Snapchat users are eager to earn that coveted verification badge to boost their credibility and reach more people. 

Verification can provide better visibility and trustworthiness, and even open the door for more opportunities in the social media. 

Continue reading this guide to find out how to get verified on Snapchat.

How to Get Verified on Snapchat

Getting Verified on Snapchat

Learning how to get verified on Snapchat may seem challenging, but with the right strategies and consistency, it’s more achievable than you might think. 

1. Buy Snapchat Followers for More Engagement with SidesMedia

At SidesMedia, we help Snapchat users grow their accounts quickly and effectively by offering real followers. 

Increasing your follower count is one of the quickest ways to gain more engagement, and engagement is a crucial factor Snapchat looks at when verifying accounts. 

For example, one of our clients saw a 40% increase in Snapchat spotlight views after purchasing Snapchat followers from SidesMedia, significantly boosting their chances of getting verified. 

2. Build a Strong Personal or Brand Identity

One of the most essential steps to getting verified on Snapchat is establishing a solid and consistent personal or brand identity. 

Your Snapchat profile should reflect who you are and what you offer. 

For example, if you’re a fitness trainer, regularly share valuable fitness tips, post behind-the-scenes content from your workouts, and engage with your followers to build a recognizable presence. 

Snapchat verifies Snapchat users who consistently demonstrate their niche or area of expertise, so make sure your content aligns with your brand. 

3. Collaborate with Verified Users

Networking with already-verified users on Snapchat can be a powerful way to boost your visibility on multiple devices. 

When you collaborate with other users, their audience becomes exposed to your content, potentially bringing more followers and engagement to your account. 

This increased exposure can help Snapchat notice your growing influence. For example, suppose you collaborate with a verified influencer in your niche and they share your content. 

In that case, Snapchat’s algorithm might detect the increased attention your account is receiving, thus improving your chances of getting verified on Snapchat.

4. Post Engaging and Unique Content

Snapchat values creativity and originality. The more unique and engaging your content is, the more likely you’ll attract attention from users and Snapchat’s verification team. 

Aim to post content that stands out from the crowd and draws users in. 

For instance, instead of posting typical selfies, try incorporating interactive elements like polls, filters, or behind-the-scenes videos showcasing your personality or brand. 

5. Increase Your Social Media Presence

Snapchat doesn’t operate in isolation. Your presence across multiple social media platforms plays a role in Snapchat’s verification process. 

Build your brand on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok alongside Snapchat. For example, if you’ve already built a strong following on Instagram, promote your Snapchat account there. 

Cross-promotion between other platforms can help grow your Snapchat audience more rapidly and help you become a Snapchat influencer

6. Maintain Consistent Engagement with Followers

Simply posting content isn’t enough. You need to engage with your followers regularly. Snapchat values accounts that foster meaningful interactions. 

Respond to messages, react to your followers’ stories, and actively participate in conversations. 

For example, if someone sends you a Snap or message, reply promptly to show you’re present and engaged with your community. 

Snapchat looks for accounts that have genuine relationships with their followers, and regular engagement is a strong indicator of that. 

7. Gain Media Coverage

Get Verified on Snapchat Quickly

Snapchat is more likely to verify accounts that are recognized by the media. Being featured in online publications, blogs, or news outlets can add credibility to your account. 

For instance, if you or your brand are featured in a well-known online magazine, Snapchat will likely take notice and consider you for verification. 

If possible, seek out opportunities to be interviewed, write guest posts, or get mentioned in articles that align with your niche or expertise. 

Media coverage establishes your authority in your field and increases your chances of Snapchat taking your account more seriously.

8. Avoid Posting Controversial or Inappropriate Content

Snapchat is strict when it comes to content policies. 

Posting anything deemed inappropriate, controversial, or offensive can harm your chances of verification and lead to penalties such as shadow banning or account suspension. 

Keep your content positive and within Snapchat’s community guidelines

For example, avoid sharing content that might be politically divisive, offensive, or inflammatory. 

9. Meet Snapchat’s Eligibility Requirements

Before considering applying for verification, your account must meet Snapchat’s basic eligibility requirements. 

These include having a large and engaged follower count, using a verified email and phone number, and adhering to Snapchat’s community guidelines. 

Make sure your account is fully optimized and up-to-date. 

If you’re missing any essential elements, Snapchat won’t even consider you for Snapchat verification, regardless of how popular or engaging your content is.

10. Use Snapchat Insights

Snapchat Insights is a tool available to public accounts that provides detailed analytics on your account’s performance. 

Analyzing these metrics lets you see which content performs best and tailor your posts to match what resonates with your audience. 

For instance, if you notice that your stories with behind-the-scenes content receive more views and interactions than other posts, focus on creating more of that content. 

11. Regularly Post Snapchat Stories

Snapchat prioritizes active users when it comes to verification. Posting regular Snapchat stories is one way to show Snapchat that you’re committed to engaging with your audience. 

Make a habit of posting daily or weekly stories that offer value to your followers. 

For example, you can use stories to share exclusive content, look at your day behind-the-scenes, or even ask questions that encourage follower interaction. 

Consistent posting keeps your account fresh in the minds of your followers and Snapchat.

12. Apply for Verification Through Snapchat Support

Once you’ve established a strong presence, gained a significant following, and adhered to Snapchat’s guidelines, it’s time to apply for verification. 

You can request verification directly through Snapchat Support by explaining why your account deserves verification. 

Highlight your accomplishments, your follower count, and how you’ve built your presence across other platforms. 

Provide specific examples of media coverage, high engagement rates, and any collaboration with users that could support your case.


If you’re serious about learning how to get verified on Snapchat, the first step is to focus on building your presence and engagement. 

The best way to jumpstart your growth is by increasing your follower count through SidesMedia, where you can buy Snapchat followers that will help elevate your visibility. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Buy Snapchat Followers

How Can You Be Verified on Snapchat?

To get verified on Snapchat, you must consistently grow your account by posting unique content, engaging with followers, and building a solid brand presence. 

Verification is based on your ability to stand out and maintain a high activity level. 

Using SidesMedia to buy Snapchat views is a strategic way to boost your numbers, increase engagement, and make your account more attractive to Snapchat’s verification team. 

The larger and more engaged your audience, the better your chances.

What is the ✪ on Snapchat?

The ✪ symbol on Snapchat indicates that an account is verified. These users have proven their authenticity and influence on the platform. 

Verification shows that Snapchat recognizes the user as a legitimate figure in their field, which often comes with increased visibility and trust.

Does Snapchat Pay Users that are Verified?

Snapchat does not pay users directly for simply being verified on Snapchat. 

However, being verified on Snapchat can open Snapchat and significant opportunities for monetization through brand partnerships, sponsorships, and increased audience reach. 

Many users can leverage their status to secure deals with brands that can lead to income, making verification a valuable asset in growing your career or business.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Verified on Snapchat?

Getting verified on Snapchat doesn’t have a direct cost, as Snapchat doesn’t charge for verification. 

However, investing in services like SidesMedia to boost your follower count and engagement can significantly improve your chances of getting verified. 

While there’s no official fee, you may invest in tools that help grow your Snapchat presence, such as buying followers to build credibility faster.


Dimitar Miller is a seasoned freelance writer and SEO specialist at SidesMedia with over 7 years of experience crafting high-quality content in technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. Dimitar’s work has been featured in notable publications, and he has collaborated with leading tech startups to develop successful content strategies and manage SEO campaigns. Dimitar ensures all his articles are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and regularly updated to provide readers with reliable and insightful information.

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