15 EASY Ways to Get More Followers on TikTok

Not many people know how to get more followers on TikTok. Given how popular the platform is, the competition is huge, and the start is really tough. 

But don’t worry, this article will explore various strategies to increase your followers on TikTok, with a focus on SidesMedia as a recommended method for rapid growth.

How To Get More Followers On Tiktok

Here are fifteen practical methods you need to try to get more TikTok followers.

1. Simply Buy TikTok Followers from SidesMedia

Buy followers on TikTok from SidesMedia

When it comes to gaining TikTok followers quickly and easily, SidesMedia is our most recommended choice. 

SidesMedia is a veteran in the social media marketing field. The service offers a range of services to help users improve their presence on various social media platforms, including TikTok.

The service provides genuine TikTok followers who are likely to engage with your content. No fake followers, no bots. Just manually picked followers for your TikTok account.

You can rest assured that your follower growth is in safe hands. Their delivery process is swift and efficient. You will see results in no time.

With years of experience in the industry, SidesMedia understands the dynamics of social media platforms inside and out. They offer followers for all major social media platforms, with tailored packages to suit your needs.

Despite being highly effective, this TikTok growth tool is affordable, so you don’t need to worry about budget.

Investing in followers through SidesMedia is a great initial boost that can propel your account’s growth in the long run.

Working with this provider can help you kickstart your TikTok journey and set yourself up for success.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Identify Your Audience

One of the fundamental steps to gaining more TikTok followers is to understand your target audience.

Knowing the target audience that you create content for will help you to fit your videos to resonate with them. And it’s pretty obvious that this in turn increases your chances of gaining followers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Analyze the demographics of your current followers, such as age, gender, location, and interests. This information can help you identify patterns and preferences among your audience.

Be sure to pay attention to which of your videos receive the most engagement, including likes, comments, and shares. This can give you insights into the type of content that resonates with your audience.

Also, actively seek feedback from your followers through comments, polls, or direct messages. Ask them what type of content they enjoy and what they would like to see more of on your TikTok account.

3. Post Consistently

Post Consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to building a loyal following on TikTok.

Regularly posting new content keeps your audience engaged and encourages them to return to your profile for more. Aim to establish a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it consistently.

Here are some tips for maintaining consistency on TikTok:

  1. Create a Content Calendar: Plan your content in advance by creating videos with a content calendar. This allows you to stay organized and ensures that you always have ideas for your next video.
  2. Batch Content Creation: Set aside dedicated time to create multiple videos in one sitting. This allows you to have a backlog of content ready to post, even on busy days.
  3. Mix Up Your Content: Keep your content fresh and diverse by experimenting with different types of videos, such as tutorials, challenges, duets, and behind-the-scenes footage.

With this method, you can keep your audience engaged and attract new followers who are drawn to your active presence on TikTok.

4. Optimize Your TikTok Profile

There are a couple of things to look at when we say optimize your profile:

  • Profile picture
  • Bio
  • Links
  • Pin best videos

Your TikTok profile serves as your digital storefront, offering potential followers a glimpse into who you are and what you offer. 

Take the time to optimize your profile to make a strong first impression and encourage users to follow you. 

Start by choosing a memorable profile picture and crafting a compelling bio that succinctly communicates your brand identity and content niche. 

Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your bio to improve discoverability and attract users searching for content like yours. 

Consider adding links to your other social media profiles or external websites to drive traffic and further engage with your audience as well. 

5. See What Hashtags Are Trending

Hashtags play a crucial role in helping your content reach a wider audience on TikTok.

By using trending hashtags that are relevant to your content, you increase the visibility of your videos and attract users who are browsing those hashtags.

Explore the Discover Page

Keep an eye on TikTok’s Discover page to see which hashtags are currently trending. This page highlights popular hashtags that are gaining traction among users.

Research Relevant Hashtags

Conduct research to identify hashtags that are relevant to your niche or content theme.

Look for hashtags that have a high volume of usage but aren’t overly saturated, as this increases your chances of standing out.

Create Original Hashtags

In addition to using existing hashtags, consider creating your own unique hashtags for your content.

This allows you to establish your brand identity and encourages your followers to engage with your specific hashtag.

By incorporating trending hashtags into your content strategy, you can increase the discoverability of your videos and attract more followers who are interested in your niche.

6. Use Trending Music and Sounds

Music and sounds play a significant role in making TikTok videos engaging and entertaining.

By using trending music and sounds in your videos, you can tap into popular trends and capture the attention of potential followers.

Browse TikTok’s extensive library of music and sounds to discover trending tracks and audio clips. Pay attention to which sounds are currently popular among users.

Keep an eye on this social media platform trends and challenges to see which music tracks are being used in viral videos.

It’s simple. Incorporating these trending songs into your own content can help you ride the wave of popularity.

While it’s essential to use trending music and sounds, don’t be afraid to put your own creative twist on them.

Experiment with different interpretations and styles to make your videos stand out from the crowd.

7. Participate in Trends and Challenges

TikTok thrives on trends and challenges, making it a playground for viral content.

Jumping on the latest trends can significantly boost your visibility and attract more TikTok followers to your profile. 

Keep an eye on TikTok’s For You page to discover what’s trending. From dance challenges to lip-sync trends, there’s always something new to explore.

Don’t be afraid to put your unique spin on trends to stand out from the crowd.

Collaborating with other TikTok creators who are participating in the same trends can also help broaden your reach and attract new followers, but we will talk about that min ore idepthlater.

8. Add Closed Caption Text to Your Videos for Accessibility

Making your TikTok videos accessible to everyone is not only inclusive but also enhances engagement. 

Adding closed caption text to your videos ensures that viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing can still enjoy your content.

It also makes it easier for users to follow along in noisy environments or without sound. TikTok offers a built-in caption tool, making it easy to add text overlays to your videos. 

Consider transcribing your audio and adding captions manually for more control.

By prioritizing accessibility, you demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and attract more followers who appreciate your efforts.

9. Maximize Your Reach through Collaborations

TikTok is all about connection and creativity, making collaboration a game-changer for expanding your reach.

Here’s how you can harness the power of collaboration to elevate your presence on the platform:

Join Forces with Like-Minded TikTok Users

Team up with other TikTok creators whose content vibes with yours.

By partnering up, you can introduce each other to your audiences and open up exciting growth opportunities.

Look for creators whose style clicks with yours and brainstorm fresh ideas together to captivate your viewers.

Mix It Up with Different Collaboration Styles

From duets to challenges and joint campaigns, TikTok offers a range of collaboration formats to keep things interesting.

Experiment with various styles to keep your content dynamic and engaging. By mixing it up, you can appeal to a bigger target audience and keep the TikTok community buzzing.

Team Up with Brands for Win-Win Partnerships

Collaborating with brands isn’t just about promotion—it’s about finding mutual benefits. Seek out brands that resonate with your content and explore partnership opportunities that feel authentic. 

By teaming up with brands that align with your values, you can boost your visibility and earn credibility among your followers.

10. Publish TikTok Videos at the Right Times

Timing can be everything on TikTok. To ensure your content reaches the widest audience possible, it’s essential to publish your videos at the right times. Start by understanding your audience’s habits and preferences. 

Consider factors like their time zone, age group, and daily routines. TikTok’s built-in analytics tools can be a goldmine for this.

A fast start to your video will boost the video and will start to appear to non-followers. 

By analyzing when your followers are most active, you can pinpoint the optimal times to post.

Remember, consistency is key. Once you’ve identified the best times to share your content, stick to a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

11. Experiment with TikTok Duets and Stitching

TikTok’s collaborative features, such as duets and stitching, offer exciting opportunities to engage with other creators and attract more followers.

Duets allow you to create split-screen videos with other TikTok users, fostering connections and exposing your content to new audiences.

By collaborating with TikTok creators on duets, you not only showcase your creativity but also encourage mutual followership. 

Additionally, TikTok’s stitching feature enables you to incorporate segments of other users’ videos into your own content, offering endless possibilities for remixing and responding to trending topics. 

Experimenting with duets and stitching allows you to tap into new audiences, forge meaningful connections, and showcase your collaborative spirit, ultimately attracting more followers to your profile.

12. Create a Content Series with Multiple Videos

This is a bit random, but it definitely works. Let’s explain how.

Crafting a captivating content series on TikTok can be a game-changer for your follower growth strategy. 

By developing a series of interconnected videos that tell a story, explore a topic, or provide value over multiple episodes, you create an immersive experience for your audience.

You can start by planning out your series, ensuring each video adds a new dimension to the narrative or theme. 

This not only keeps viewers engaged but also encourages them to follow your profile to stay updated on future installments.

13. Repurpose Your Videos for Instagram Reels

Extend the reach of your TikTok content by repurposing it for Instagram Reels.

With its short-form video format and expansive user base, Instagram Reels offers a valuable platform to attract new followers and diversify your target audience. 

Repackage your top-performing TikTok videos for Reels, making necessary adjustments to align with Instagram’s aesthetics and trends. 

Optimize your content for discovery by using relevant hashtags and engaging with the Instagram community.

Following this method, you can leverage both platforms’ strengths to attract followers from different social media ecosystems and enhance your overall online presence.

14. Use CTAs at the End of Your Videos

Harness the persuasive power of calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide your TikTok viewers towards becoming followers. 

A well-placed CTA at the end of your videos can prompt viewers to take immediate action, such as following your profile or engaging with your content further.

Keep your CTAs clear, concise, and compelling, giving viewers a compelling reason to click that follow button or explore more of your content. 

Experiment with different CTAs to gauge their effectiveness and refine your approach over time.

By strategically incorporating CTAs into your TikTok videos, you can actively drive follower growth and foster deeper connections with your audience.

15. Utilize TikTok Ads

For those seeking a more accelerated approach to follower growth, TikTok Ads offer a powerful solution. 

With a variety of advertising options, including in-feed ads, branded hashtag challenges, and branded effects, TikTok Ads provide unparalleled visibility and targeting capabilities. You should also try ads for other social media platforms.

Develop targeted ad campaigns tailored to your target audience demographics and content objectives. 

Leverage the TikTok analytics to optimize your ad performance and maximize your ROI.

By investing in TikTok Ads, you can amplify your profile’s visibility, attract a larger audience of engaged followers, and fast-track your TikTok growth journey.

Why TikTok Follower Growth is Important

Enhanced Visibility and Reach

Increasing your follower count on TikTok directly correlates to expanded visibility and reach for your content.

With more followers, your videos are more likely to appear on the For You page, increasing exposure to a broader audience beyond your existing followers.

Building Social Proof and Credibility

A large follower count serves as social proof of your influence and credibility on the app.

TikTok users are more inclined to follow accounts with a substantial following, perceiving them as reputable and worth engaging with. 

A higher follower count can also attract potential collaboration opportunities with brands and other creators.

Increased Engagement and Interaction

As your follower count grows, so does the potential for engagement and interaction with your content.

More followers mean more likes, comments, shares, and duets, which contribute to higher engagement rates.

Engaging content tends to perform better algorithmically, further boosting your visibility and follower growth.

Monetization Opportunities

For creators looking to monetize their presence, a large follower count opens doors to various revenue streams.

Brands are more likely to partner with creators who have a substantial following, offering sponsored content deals, brand collaborations, and affiliate marketing opportunities.

Community Building and Influence

Building a sizable following on TikTok allows you to cultivate a community of engaged followers who share common interests and values.

With influence comes the ability to drive trends, advocate for causes, and effect positive change within your community and beyond.


Boosting your TikTok following isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor.

However, there are plenty of effective strategies to increase your visibility and engage with your audience. There are many methods you can employ to get more followers on TikTok.

Understanding your audience, capitalizing on trends, hashtags, and challenges, utilizing other social media platforms and ads for promotion, and timing your posts strategically are all valuable tactics.

Consider exploring SidesMedia to get the best start possible and then focus on the other methods and work hard.

With its proven track record of delivering real TikTok followers who engage with your content, SidesMedia stands out as a reliable and efficient solution for boosting your TikTok presence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I attract followers from other social media platforms to TikTok?

Expanding your TikTok following beyond the platform can be achieved if you cross-promote. 

Start by leveraging your existing audience on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Share snippets or teasers of your TikTok content to generate curiosity and direct traffic to your TikTok profile. Share user generated content always.

Craft dedicated posts or stories announcing your TikTok presence and inviting your followers to join you for exclusive content and behind-the-scenes access. 

Engage actively with your audience on these platforms by responding to comments, encouraging them to explore your TikTok profile, and participating in relevant discussions.

How often should I post on TikTok to attract more followers?

Consistency is vital for attracting and retaining followers on TikTok.

Aim for a balance between posting frequently enough to keep your target audience engaged and providing high-quality content that resonates with them. 

While there’s no universal rule for how often to post, maintaining a regular schedule is generally recommended. 

Experiment with different posting times and frequencies to gauge your audience’s response and adjust your schedule accordingly. 

Is it possible to buy TikTok followers, and is it effective?

Yes, it’s possible to purchase TikTok followers, but the effectiveness of this strategy varies.

Buying TikTok followers can provide an initial boost to your follower count, enhancing your perceived credibility and social proof on the platform. 

But remember, it’s important to buy TikTok followers from trusted sources like SidesMedia to guarantee the quality and authenticity of your followers.

Genuine engagement and connection with your audience are essential for building a loyal and active follower base over time.

How can I measure the success of my TikTok content and follower growth?

Tracking the performance of your TikTok content and follower growth is essential for refining your strategy and optimizing your results over time. 

Use the TikTok built-in tools to monitor key metrics such as video views, likes, shares, comments, and follower growth.

Pay attention to trends in engagement rates and audience demographics to understand what content resonates best with your audience. 

How to get famous on TikTok quickly?

To gain fame on TikTok quickly, focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience. 

Stay updated on trends, post consistently, and interact with other users to expand your reach. 

Utilize TikTok’s features, like hashtags and effects, to enhance your content’s visibility.

While becoming famous overnight is rare, persistence, creativity, and strategic engagement can accelerate your journey to TikTok stardom.

Is the first 1000 followers the hardest on TikTok?

Reaching the first 1000 followers on TikTok can be challenging as you establish your presence and attract an initial audience. 

However, with consistency and engagement, subsequent follower growth may become more manageable.

While it’s a significant milestone, ongoing effort and dedication are essential for sustained follower growth and success on the platform.

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